Homemade AC Unit

10 Minutes
It is hot, you guys. As in HOT. I am sure everyone can feel it, but being eight months pregnant, having 3 little kids to run after, and living in a house without an AC… Well, boil me to death and let’s just be done with it!
So, what’s a hot mama to do if she does not have $3000 to buy an AC system for her house?
Why, look for a cheaper alternative, of course. As in much much much cheaper, we are talking here.

$20 and change. Yes! That is in the budget.

I watched some cool videos on YouTube for how to make a homemade AC unit and at the end, made up kind of my own simple design that doesn’t require the use of a drill or any power tool. Keep it simple man.
It's easy and quick. No, it won't cool your whole house to a comfortable 70 degrees, but it will cool a small room to the point where you can breathe again. And being able to breathe is important, man, especially if you are pregnant!

Click the link below to visit the blog for the full picture tutorial.

Lee @ Lady Lee's Home
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  • Jane Jane on Jul 15, 2018

    Why didn't you just go on swap shop and buy a used window air conditioner, I've gotten several for $20. each. Block off unused portion of house with blankets...worked for years for me! I am blessed now with central air, but for years had to make it work!

  • MJ Hope MJ Hope on Sep 27, 2021

    Where's the link for this?

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