Stain Shaded High Top Table

Misty Gaines-Johnson
by Misty Gaines-Johnson
2 Materials
1 Week
I got this set for free. Two of the chairs were broke and the table had seen better days. When I seen it had a butterfly leaf I knew exactly what I wanted to do to it. I wanted to stain shade a couple of sunflowers with a hummingbird located on the butterfly leaf so that when it was closed you would see two flowers but when it was open a hummingbird would appear. The table was 66x48 with the leaf and 48x48 without it. If you didn’t want the leaf 4 chairs would have worked out perfectly but when the table was extended and it was 66in long 4 chairs just did not look right, so I took the two broken chairs and used the bottoms then added planked wood to the top to make a matching bench. I painted everything a dark grey. I did not like the grey on its own because I wanted more of a rustic feel especially with the sunflowers and humminbird. After painting them I used wipe on poly then went over it with stain and wiped off gave the grey a beautiful gunmetal color and definitely made it look rustic. I stained the seats and bench top to match. This was a BIG project. The table was beyond heavy and I stain shaded it once and did not like it so I resanded and re stain shaded it. I really like the way it turned out.
Finished piece
Getting ready to draw the design on and begin shading
This was the first time staining it. The stain was uneven and I wanted it darker.
Poly wipe and stain used to create a darker metallicy finish. If you look at the leg you can see the grey color without the stain glaze finish
Chair leg after glazing with the stain.
Table finished without leaf
Finished with bench
Bench made from broken chairs
Suggested materials:
  • Stain, chalk paint, poly wipe   (Local swap shop site)
  • Stain, chalk paint, poly wipe   (Local swap shop site)
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  • Cindelli Cindelli on Oct 07, 2017

    What a gift you have! I want to know more about the drawing and coloring of the flower and butterfly? I just saw you mention the tutorial. I have an ugly dresser in the garage that I can mess around with. Thanks' Beautiful work. :)

  • UTAHGAL UTAHGAL on Oct 07, 2017

    i used to be a woodworker until my husband passed away we were wholesale to the stores we did staining and raw wood also,,i dabble in crafts but where did you get the pattern for the sunflowers and humming bird? it is so beautiful. i have a small table but it has leaves instead of a leaf in the middle. would this work for one like that?it is like 55 inches with leaves opened..would appreciate any info. thank you

  • Nan22425932 Nan22425932 on Oct 14, 2017

    Love your work. Do you chalk paint , then stain & finish with poly or do you actually mix the stain into the poly before applying? Thanks, Nan

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3 of 28 comments
  • Mrs Apple Mrs Apple on Oct 15, 2017

    This is so BEAUTIFUL. I want it👍🏻

  • KAY KAY on Oct 18, 2017

    this is absolutely amazing work. Very Talented. Love it when something you think about turns out even better than you anticipated. THIS IS IMPRESSIVE and I don't get impressed very often! GREAT TALENTED LADY !

    You should sell your finished work! Definitely a market for it, I would be a customer! Love hummingbirds and sunflowers! Did you paint the Sunflowers free hand? WOW, if you did. Amazing, beautiful, talent.

    • Misty Gaines-Johnson Misty Gaines-Johnson on Oct 18, 2017
      Thank you! I do freehand the drawing. I redo furniture from home. The same client that bought this wanted a 6ft sofa table with sunflowers on the ends to go with this table. I attached a picture for you to see. I also put my Facebook link at the bottom of the article. You can visit and see more of my work if you like.
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