Giving an Old Picture Frame & Matte A Makeover

1 Material
2 Hours
Framed art is not cheap if you are purchasing it retail. Then when my taste or color palette changes I have major guilt over the money I've spent on art that I don't care for anymore. I'm going to show you what you can do with your old frames and even the mats to make new art you will love!
This framed and mated rhododendron print is fine, it just doesn't go well with the colors I currently have my own home. The wood frame was a good size at 14 x 17 and had nice details. It also had a mat that was in good shape. So I carefully cut open the back side of the picture where it had been sealed by the framer using a box cutter. I removed the paper back and then the foam core which was also in good shape so I saved it to reuse later.
The rhododendron print was glued to the mat, and I really wanted to reuse that mat. I was able to use a dinner knife to very carefully pry the two apart a little at the time all the way around the may without damaging or creasing the mat.
I laid the old mat down on top of a piece of brown craft paper and trimmed the paper about 2 inches larger than the mat and taped it to that mat.
To cut the opening in the mat I placed the mat wrapped in the craft paper on top of a thick piece of cardboard to protect the table that I was working on. To create the mats opening I used my boxcutter again and very carefully scored an X diagonally from corner to corner then carefully pulled each section of the craft paper and taped it to the back of the mat.
To re assemble the picture I centered my fern print in the mat opening and taped it in place, replace that foam core and close that back of the frame with packing tape. Here is my finished picture
I chose to paint my frame black and distress it a bit to compliment the decor in our dining room. The fern print was an Etsy find. It is sold as an instant digital download for a few dollars. I took the file to my local Office supply store and had it printed for less than $2.
Here is one more example using some blue ticking striped gift wrap that I found a Marshall's:

The possibilities are endless:)
Suggested materials:
  • Old frame with mat, roll of brown craft paper, box cutter, tape, black paint
Paige @ southerncurated
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 1 comment
  • Erica Smith Erica Smith on May 01, 2018

    This is an awesome idea! So many Home Interior pics now in thrift shops! The frames are so pretty and great way to to an update for today's decor!! TFS


