Propagate Hostas Without Breaking Your Back!

Rhonda B
by Rhonda B
There are two types of gardeners in the world: clumpers and splitters. I admit it-I am a clumper. I cringe at the idea of cutting my babies up into pieces. I would rather leave them alone so they can get big. Wait, not big-huge. I want huge Hostas. Digging them up and dividing them can set them back and, to be honest, I do not like doing that because it takes some varieties forever to reach a good size. A solution I came up with is minimally invasive, and it does not set my Hosta back like digging up the entire clump does. This is perfect if you want to share a small piece or if you need a few eyes for a project. You can take off more than I have shown, I just prefer to keep it to a minimum. Just a note: I do this in Spring before the Hostas leaf out so I can see what I am doing, but you can do it at any time of year.
Here is what you need:

1. A nice clump of Hosta.

2. Shovel that is cleaned and sanitized. I recommend this due to Hosta Virus X a disease that affects and spreads among Hosta. (I recommend you read about HVX at this link:

3. Something to plant your eyes in.

Here are the steps:

1. Find a clump of Hosta you want to propagate, I chose this one:
2. Find an eye or set of eyes toward the outer edge and use your finger to clear a spot between the eyes like this:
3. Take your shovel and place it in the spot you marked:
4. Push down on the shovel and cut through the Hosta to release the eyes:
5. Move the shovel around the eyes you are removing to cut through and loosen them. Make sure to be far enough out to get some roots:
6. When you have cut around it gently lift it with the shovel:
7. Or your Hand if it's easier:-)
8. Replace dirt that came out and pack it gently:
9. Pot the eyes up for when you need them-keep them well watered until you find them a new home.
That is all there is to it-you could even use a hand trowel if you wanted too. Visit my blog or my website for more tips and Happy Planting!.
Rhonda B
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Julie Copeland Moore Julie Copeland Moore on Oct 30, 2019

    Do hostas grow year round??

  • Lori Lori on Mar 28, 2020

    I live in New England and have many varieties of hostas. I love them. I was wondering if anyone knows how they grow in Florida? and do they 'die off' at a particular time of the year like they do in the north? Or do they stay green year round?

  • KATHLEEN KATHLEEN on Aug 10, 2023

    What are hosta eyes?

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