Recovered Chair Using Drop Cloth Fabric

I reupholstered this chair using an inexpensive drop cloth fabric, and I'm happy to say it's going strong after two years. Neutral in color and inexpensive, it just may be the perfect choice for your first time upholstery project.
I was hesitant to use an expensive fabric on my first reupholstery project, so I pulled an inexpensive piece of drop cloth off my paint shelf and decided to give it a try. I love the look of the neutral cotton fabric, so I had nothing to lose.
Once you've attached the fabric, apply gimp along the edges to give it a finished look. I held off on adding any giimp to my chair until I knew the drop cloth would be durable enough to last. It has. And after two years, I think it's time to give it the final touch!
Sarah @ {Home-ology} modern vintage
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Tammy Tammy on Mar 03, 2020

    I want to do this with an ottoman I have . It’s for my dogs. Any ideas on how I can try to pull this off. The ottoman is old and has rips and stains. I’m not sure if I should cut it to the size of the top and hot glue heavy rope ? I’m open to ideas . My sofa is in the same shape and I’m not really ready to replace just yet. My cushions do not come off. I’m sure I will need to add some lift to the cushions. I would love to hear any ideas . Thank you

  • Pineapple Pineapple on Apr 17, 2020

    I don’t see gimp around the edges at all. I fact, the edges look very frayed. Can you show a closeup of the gimp?

  • Pineapple Pineapple on Apr 17, 2020

    Where are the instructions for upholstering the chair? All I see is a partially finished chair but no before pictures or step by step pictures.

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  • Wendy Pierre Wendy Pierre on May 26, 2014
    I just tried my first upholstered chair today, using drop cloth the chairs were free from a friend who was throwing them out! 2 lazy boy recliners.
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  • Heather Heather on Jul 25, 2014
    I have a chair almost identical to yours. I've been wanting to get it recovered because the "people" on the fabric pattern just isn't my style. I was going to pay someone to do it for me, but never got a quote. Thanks to you--I'm going to attempt to do it myself! :)