Easy to Build Magnetic Knife Holder

6 Materials
2 Hours

Storage is at a premium in our home since we had to downsize. We like to cook and did not have adequate storage for knives so I created a magnetic knife holder using a scrap board and a magnetic bar used for tool organization that mounts on the wall. This keeps the knives off of the counter and safely stored.

I started by measuring the magnetic tool bar and cutting a board at the same length.

I measured the thickness of the magnetic bar and set the blade on my table saw to the same height so I could cut a series of kerfs along the wood to make a channel for the magnetic bar.

I cleaned out the channel by breaking the pieces of remaining wood from cutting the kerfs. I checked the fit of the bar in the channel and it fit perfectly!

I thoroughly sanded the board, then stained and sealed it.

I placed the magnetic bar in the channel, then secured the entire assembly to the wall using auger anchors and screws. The knives are held securely with no danger of slipping.

Suggested materials:
  • Scrap 1x6
  • Magnetic Bar
  • Table Saw
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Cher @ Designs By Studio C
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 1 comment
  • William William on Jun 29, 2019

    That is very nice looking. simple design and does the job. Great share.
