How To Make Faux/ Fake Halloween Cupcakes 🧁

9 Materials
1 Hour

I work in staging homes, and being that every model home has fake food, I have bought a lot of it. But they are so expensive, and I've always wanted to try and make some myself. So, I decided to try my hand at it! I got started by making these faux cupcakes for Halloween. Here's how I did it.

What you’ll need to start:

cup cake pan and cupcake liners

spray foam




plastic toys or rings

wall filler /compound / Speckle

zip lock baggie

cake tip

Start by putting your cupcake liners in the pan, I used some cute Halloween themed ones!

Next fill them 1/2 way with spray foam. Note: it’s important to not fill them all the way because as the foam expand it also drys, and you don’t want that mess all over the place!

Then set them aside a let them dry. As you can see, as they dry, they smooth out and start looking like real cupcakes- yum! 😂

After the cupcakes fully dry, you can start frosting them. All cupcakes need frosting! Take a Ziploc bag and cut it at the corner, and add the cake tip. Here you have an icing bag! You can just throw it out once you are done.

Then fill the bag with some wall compound I had mine left over from the wall removable project I just did so it was perfect timing for this project!

Then you can begin piping out the icing around the cupcake.

Once you've covered the entire cupcake, before it dries, you can add some beautiful garnishes. Here are a few ideas!

On this one, I sprinkled some cinnamon and placed a fake cherry on top. I'll explain how I made it a bit further down.

This one I drizzled with some paint using a small squeeze bottle.

Or you can add beads to look like candies on the top. You can also buy corn cob bedding to look like nuts. And sand looks like sugar!

You can also add some little creepy crawler toys for a little spooky fun.

I painted some wooden beads red, and stems from faux apples. Take a look at my faux caramel apples tutorial to see what I did with faux apples.

Look how fun they are and they look good enough to eat. Have fun displaying them!

This is my farmhouse table with my fall Halloween decor on it. Did I say I love Halloween!!

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  • I made these cupcakes in Spring using plaster of Paris, they could be paper weights! I used Dap light weight spackle which has gotten pretty pricey! Tucked the bee blings in while they were still soft. I've been asked if they are real! I used styrofoam and Dap spackle on my lemon cake!

    comment photo
  • Sma101909749 Sma101909749 on Mar 31, 2024

    Thank you for sharing! I’m known for my baked goodies in my office, and I needed a good April Fool’s Day joke. This fits the bill perfectly! Now I can mix my DIY mom skills with my baking. Lol.
