PART 2 of Album Practically Care Free Flowers & ShowStoppers!

Liz C
by Liz C
Annual Dahlia. Purchased @ shoprite for only $3 for a basket. When home, I wet the soil in hanging basket and very carefully split the plant, into three, so I can plant in 3 different locations! Now all 3 are as large as originial size
Late Spring to Early Summer Flowers. Hope you enjoyed my Album. (Pt 3 will be uploaded tommorrow, I couldn't add them all at once, but a lot of many more different flowers to come!)
Wait for foliage to turn yellow b4 cutting.
Red Lilie' most complimented it's deep color
The flowers that fall to the ground you can just leave them there and slightly stick in the dirt, to help you reseed more plants in that area, turning your Bi-Annuals into YEARLY Perennials!
The showing is of flowers is breath taking and they last until fall, creating more and more stems throught out the season.
They can grow over 6-8 feet Tall. Plant against, House, Fence or Wall for Safer Keeping from Wind. Staking DEF. required! Easily gets fungus spots on leaves, due to over watering of leaves, simply deadhead infected leaves. Water soil.
The flowers are beautiful...this hybrid happens to he peach. But they come in so many different colors!
Holy Hock (Bi-Annual) First bloomed twice in a row oddly. But this year I planted another that way each year there will be a showing. You can buy them less than 10 @ a nursery! Biggest Show Stoppers!
Honestly, I'm not quite sure of this flowers name, simply because this flower is in my Wildflower Garden, I used a box of wildflower mix @ the $1 store mixed perennials & anuuals. want to say this is Candy Tuft but do not take my word!
The more you Deadhead the flowers on the lower part of that particular stem, as in most flowers they will produce more bloom and last longer. They refer sun & don't mind partial shade. But I find they do better in full sun!
Lily (Perennial) Botannical Name: Lilum - Mostly Sun to Partial Shade. They multiply each year, as well as grow in height!
Once a flower has faded & deheaded, Place in sun, to fully dry out & if you see in the center of the sunflower, brush off the hair like fuzz & u will find hundreds of sunflower seeds that once dried out can be saved for next yrs harves
The best part about these sunflower can grow anywhere up to 3-6 ft....Staking required until Sunflowers reach full height and stems are extrememly sturdy! Dehead faded flowers and you proudce more bloom.
Sunflower TREE multicolored Mixtured. Grown by seen only a couple weeks back. Seed's grow within 2 can still plant them now and have them all ready to plant within 2-3 weeks.
Deadhead faded flowers to prouduce longer bloom.
Coneflowers.....Perennials.....Daisy Like. Very Care Free! They last to late Summer, early Fall. And can grow up to 3-4 ft.
Putting two sets of colors of Lily's make them stand out a great deal more. I also have Red & Pink one's and honestly they don't stand out as much, as two colors that are opposite of one another! It brings more attention to the flowers
Once flowers have faded, dehead the flowers but leave the leaves and foliage until it starts yellowing. This process, since the energy is no longer goes into the flower, now goes into the bulbs helping your crop multiply!
What gorgeous flowers!!!! I wish they bloomed longer!
Orange Lilies..... I always try to plant my lilies, especially if planted next to one another at different times, not all in the same day.....I will plant only a couple bulbs at a time that way they all don't bloom at the same time!
Usually planted by Bulb and/or after 5 years, you can split your plant and not only will that revive your plant, creating a bigger bloom but you'll also end up with two sets of Lily's 4 two different locations.
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  • Rubyskye Rubyskye on Oct 20, 2020

    where do you find the orange lillies you show here? I had them many years ago until a renter didn't water them. Recently I've attempted to find this same lilly but the ones offered aren't the same. Our yard was FULL of them in a long row and they were absolutely stunning.

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  • Bonnie Bonnie on Jun 22, 2014
    @Liz C Are the orange flowers called Tiger Lilys? Are they from bulbs? When do you plant the bulbs? Spring or Fall? I love these!
    • See 1 previous
    • Hi

      Tiger lilies are lovley, that's them

      The orange ones aren't.

      Very beautiful tho.

      comment photo
  • Gerl Nucc Gerl Nucc on Aug 09, 2024

    Search on line for vintage lilies. You may find them on there.
