DIY Wood Christmas Trees

by Natalie
6 Materials
30 Minutes
These cute little whimsical wood Christmas trees are so easy to make and are perfect for your Christmas and winter decor. Here's how to make them! Find the exact products used by going to my blog post here!
These are the things I used to make these trees. The only thing missing is the paint and the dowel for the optional base.If you want to make multiple trees, grab multiple bags of the wood chips.
I painted the foam cones with brown paint and then let the paint dry completely.
Then I glued a row of the wood chips to the bottom on the cone. I placed them so the bottom half of the wood chips were hanging off the bottom of the cone. Then I layered the chips all the way up to the top.
For the top, I put a little broken piece of wood chip into the foam to help support the wood chips on top.
Since I used a tall foam cone and then two other short cones that were the same size, I needed something to make each tree a different height. So I added fun little bases with a dowel and come wood slices and glued them to the bottom of the foam cones. I like the mixture of some trees with bases and other trees without bases.These trees are seriously super easy to make! But I love the texture that they add to the winter decor!
Get more info and links to the products used here on my blog.
Suggested materials:
  • Foam cones
  • Brown paint
  • Wood chips
See all materials
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Marylew Finster Marylew Finster on Jan 06, 2020

    This is really neat! needs something at the top of the tree, however! (Not a star, I guess, but something.) Any ideas???

  • Chandra Denise DeVaul Chandra Denise DeVaul on Jan 07, 2020

    How is the glue not melting the Styrofoam trees? Just curious.

  • Toni Tuyt Carroll Toni Tuyt Carroll on Jan 07, 2020

    I'm in the US. I went to her links for the wood slices. All were Etsy. I went to order 3 packs...cost $29. But the shippong cost was $42!!!!. No way! All were either from Ukrane or China. Does anyone know of a US source for these wood slices? I love the project, but I'm not paying more for the shipping than the wood slices themselves. Help!

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  • Toni Tuyt Carroll Toni Tuyt Carroll on Feb 01, 2020

    I found these on Amazon. I also found the plain smooth edged ones in Hobby Lobby. I embellished mine a lot, but i love the plain ones too. Two different effects but using the same basic construction technique. Fun project.

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  • Toni Tuyt Carroll Toni Tuyt Carroll on Feb 23, 2020

    I did another take on Natalie's great idea and inspiration.

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