How can I repurpose this armoire with a broken door?

by Nik

This solid wood armoire’s 😍door came off during the move. It’s not staying screwed in so I need to find a way to repurpose this cute piece of furniture because I really don’t want to get rid of it. I’m NOT a carpenter😢so it preferably be something I can do that’s fairly simple. 😀Ideas??

  17 answers
  • Nan W. Nan W. on Mar 19, 2020

    Nik: you may want to try some wood putty in the holes. Let it dry well and then try to screw back in.'s a cheap, easy solution

  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Mar 19, 2020

    It sounds like the screw holes got stripped when the door came off. You can use an epoxy in the holes, and take the hinges off the cabinet and let them set in the epoxy, then screw it back to the cabinet.

  • on Mar 19, 2020

    Can you move the hinges to a part of the door that didn’t get damaged? Then you can use the door again! :)

    • Nik Nik on Mar 19, 2020

      I’m really not sure that I have enough space to do that without the door being crooked or offline.

  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Mar 19, 2020

    Agreed you can definitely fill those holes with wood putty or even glue, slip the door back on, tape it to keep it there until it dries and that should work fine. However if you remove the other door it may make a cute coffee station. It made me think of this repurpose:

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Mar 19, 2020

    Hello. I like to use epoxy putty for my structural repairs. It is very strong and even can be drilled. I would suggest filling it with this inexpensive putty stick and remounting the door.

    It's a two-part epoxy sticky-found at big box hardware stores in the plumbing department near the pvc purple glue. In a clear plastic red capped tube. I get mine at Lowes $6. Home Depots its version and JB Weld is another but more $ and smaller. Other smaller 2 part epoxy sticks options can also be found in the boat marine and wood repair shopping sections.

    You mix -press -then you can use scrape off excess (I use depleted gift card) and/or sand and paint. Cured putty is strong enough to drill through.

    comment photo
  • I agree. The holes probably can be filled in with wood putty or sometimes, toothpicks in the holes will work. If you still want to repurpose it, here's a link with lots of ideas for you:

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 19, 2020

    This is a section that applies to your problem, using products you may have on hand, without buying a wood filler, wood putty, or wood glue:

    Filling the holes using same screws

    1. If we take an antique cabinet door with some loose hinge screws, the screws may include 3 different types.

    They are original hinge screws, longer screws (used for the passage door previously) and a larger diameter screws.

    We could easily choose the larger screw but it will cut new threads in the wood which is not recommended for the antique cabinet door.

    So we are going to reuse original hinge screws which were connected with the antique cabinet door.

    2. This time we will fill those screw holes with some form of convenient wood product and then start over drilling again using the same screws.

    For filling screw holes you can have a lot of common options including brown toothpicks, stick matches, wooden golf tees or even chopsticks. You are recommended to use that wood product having diameter closer to the original screw.

    3. You can use matchsticks with some glue on them. Push the glue with the matchstick to the hole, and trim the excess off flush.

    4. Then you have to drill pilot holes and thread the old screws back in. A little paste wax also helps to make them easier to drive into place.

    5. If you are wondering about how to fix a screw hole that is too big you can use a toothpick, sticking it in the hole and then drive the original screw further.

  • Em Em on Mar 19, 2020

    Plug the screw holes with wood scraps and wood glue and reattach the door in the old holes. The new wood and glue will allow you to use old screw holes. OR remove the 2nd door and add another shelf and stack bar glasses or books.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Mar 19, 2020

    You can fill in the areas where it was screwed to with wood putty. Once it dries, it can be re attached with no issues.

    Remove the other door and have the area open. You could add wallpaper or shelf liner to the interior. You could also stain a darker color for a nice contrast to the blue.

  • Beth Beth on Mar 19, 2020

    Others have given you some good ideas. I think you could also try changing out the hinges. You can find them in most home improvement stores. If you put them in a slightly different spot, you'll be able to use different wood that's not already damaged or stripped.

  • What if you took off the other door and replaced them both with two new matching ones? You could try for options

  • William William on Mar 19, 2020

    Wood putty won't work. it's made to fill holes, indentations, and smooth irregular surfaces. It won't support the weight of the door. It will just flake out. Use some pieces of wood and wood glue to fill the holes. Wood matchsticks, toothpicks, or golf tees. I like to use golf tees. Once the glue is dry I cut off the tee level. You can even "pencil sharpen" a piece of wood to fit the screw holes.

  • You don't really need the doors if you want to leave them off....I would just paint the inside of the piece, or add some fun wallpaper or contact paper to the inside and use it without. Store some pretty towels or blankets on the top shelf...or baskets, etc. It could be a showstopper!

  • Morgan McBride Morgan McBride on Mar 19, 2020

    Take off the other door. Paint the inside to match or a contrasting color!

  • Megan Megan on Mar 20, 2020

    Hi Nik! I would remove the other door and add some cute large bins or baskets! Fill baskets or bins with blankets! Paint the entire thing with chalk paint or mineral paint! :)

  • Janice Janice on Mar 21, 2020

    It would be a fun piece to totally redo by using paint, wallpaper, or decoupage to add a lot of interest to it. Get rid of the doors completely for a totally new look, then use the doors in another diy-project. Double the FUN! :)

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Mar 31, 2020

    do you actually have that door or you have just one?

    • Nik Nik on Apr 30, 2020

      Just seeing this. I have the door in the garage.