DIY Outdoor Table For $70

by Shae
5 Materials
4 Hours

Today I wanted to share how my husband and I made our simple farmhouse diy outdoor table for our new outdoor space! We recently moved so we are starting over from scratch on all of our outdoor spaces!

We needed this outdoor table on our new property! It’s easier than you think to create an outdoor table!


1-4x4x12 for the legs-$18

6-1x6x8’s deck boards for the top-$33

3-2x4x10’s for the frame-$14

2.5 inch exterior screws-$5-had on hand

Gloves-$5-had on hand

Paper Towels-$1-had on hand

Paint and Stain-$20-had on hand


Cut your 3-2x4x10’s to make into the table frame.

Lay out your six, 1x6x8’s on top of two scrap pieces of wood and begin making your table frame, making sure to attract with screws.

Cut your 4x4x12 into four legs and attach with screws to your frame.

Flip over your table frame and add the 1×6’s to the top and screw into your frame.

Stain-I used Minwax Red Oak in Semi-Transparent.

I did one very light coat of stain. Paint-I used Sherwin Willians Eider White. While the paint was still wet, I immediately went over it with stain.

Paint-I used Sherwin Willians Eider White. While the paint was still wet, I immediately went over it with stain.

While the paint was still wet, I immediately went over it with a light amount of stain.

And your done! Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!! We love having our outdoor table for dining options and especially since we are coastal living now, its warmer here for about ten out of twelve months!

While we are currently living in our RV on our property as we build our barndominium and eventually our forever home, this table is our dining table for now!

I hope ya’ll have enjoyed this DIY Outdoor Table! Please reach out if you have any questions.


Resources for this project:
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Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  3 questions
  • Deanna Finley Deanna Finley on Jun 04, 2021

    Did you use anything on it to protect it from the elements?

  • Slookysue Slookysue on Jun 06, 2021

    I love this but hopefully used treated wood or cedar? We live in OK and anything not treated starts rotting after 1-2 years. Very humid and rainy here.

  • Vp117768409 Vp117768409 on Aug 06, 2022

    Where did you buy the chairs?

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  • Sonia Jones Sonia Jones on Jun 07, 2022

    Love this. Awesome job

    • See 1 previous
    • Shae Shae on Jun 07, 2022

      We are on IG, if you want to follow @sweet__southern__grace . We are about to makeover an outdoor space using this table. I will be freshening up the table and chairs with paint! Plus we have found salvaged concrete for a concrete paver idea!

  • Susie Burrows Susie Burrows on Jun 02, 2023

    I put the spray stuff that seals leaks in the bottom of the legs and up about 10 inches. I also paint, stain or seal the bitting if the table top. Since you are using 1X lumber, it is more likely to warp than 2x. Sounds like overkill but my table lasted 5 years outside on the ground like you're showing here.

    • Shae Shae on Jun 02, 2023

      Those are great suggestions! Thank you!
