Sumac and Its Native Fall Color

Have you driven down the road this time of year and saw the reds of a plant catch your eye? Have you wondered what the plant was and why does it grow along the road?
One answer may be Rhus copallina or winged Sumac or smooth Sumac. This native plant can grow anywhere and can quickly colonize an area such as roadways and the edges of woodlands. This shrub can grow upwards of 20 feet tall and provides food for the birds and wildlife.
I love the colors of this plant in the fall and have even tried to color match it. This is one of my favorite fall plants and I just low how the branches arch over making this a graceful plant.
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Creating. Inspiring. Gardening without the rules!
taken October 2014
taken November 2014
This is an area near my home and is about 6'+ tall
The Garden Frog with C Renee
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