Top 5 Tips to Prevent Plumbing Problems This Thanksgiving

by BrightNest
For many, the day after Thanksgiving is about family time and the Black Friday shopping extravaganza. For residential plumbers nationwide, it’s the single busiest day of the year. In fact, plumbing problems spike 50% the day after Thanksgiving. Think about it. You’ve delighted in turkey and sweet potato casserole, and now your wayward scraps and greasy dishes are stressing your sink and clogging your drains.
Would you prefer to spend your money on presents or plumbing issues? To keep your pipes clear and clog-free, it’s important to know what you can safely put in the disposal and what you can’t. Here’s the skinny:

1. Don't Treat the Disposal Like a Trash Can

As much as possible, throw leftovers in the trash or compost pile. When you do use your disposal, feed waste gradually to prevent overloading.

2. Be Picky About What You Toss

Don't put turkey bones, poultry skin, potato peels, celery and fruit down the garbage disposal.

3. Keep Grease to a Minimum

Avoid pouring fat and cooking oil down the drain and wipe off greasy pans before putting them in the sink.

4. Run Water

Run water when you use the disposal and keep it running for a few seconds after you turn the disposal off.

5. Don't Run the Dishwasher

Don't operate the dishwasher if you think there’s a problem. It discharges into the disposal.

This Thanksgiving, don’t be sitting on the sidelines waiting for your handyman to arrive for an impromptu plumbing fix. Show your drains a little love so you can keep your focus on food, family and all the freebies you get if you’re first in line on Black Friday.

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  • Comet Comet on Nov 26, 2014
    Scrape those plates! The less going into the DW or disposal the better--there will still be plenty of smeared food to get clean in the DW. Feed the scraps to your chickens or pigs if you got 'em--or compost--but don't put them in the water system. If your TOILET clogs--try using a generous helping of DISHWASHING LIQUID and let SIT for a few mins--this starts to break down the solids and "lubricate" stuff thru those pipes. You can also use SHAMPOO or HAIR CONDITIONER if you don't happen to have dish soap in the bathroom--I keep a small bottle of DAWN under the counter for just this use. And get one of those "accordian style" plungers---these work SO much better than the old style rubber ones. Cleaning the drains BEFORE T-Day is a good idea too--flush with baking soda; followed by vinegar and then HOT water.
  • Greeneyesss Greeneyesss on Aug 29, 2024

    Good article! Preventing plumbing problems during Thanksgiving is definitely smart, especially with all the extra cooking and guests. One tip is to avoid pouring grease down the drain, as it can cause major clogs. It’s also helpful to run the dishwasher and washing machine at night to reduce strain on your pipes during the day. If you are concerned about any plumbing issues, checking out Mitchell Plumbing Heating And Cooling reviews could give you an idea of a reliable service to call if needed. Enjoy a stress-free Thanksgiving!
