Ladder Herb Garden

I’m sure you have seen many of these ladder gardens on Pinterest among other great ideas for DIY planters and small garden beds. After seeing so much inspiration, I decided to take this old ladder and turn it into a beautiful herb garden to place right by my backdoor.
This ladder belonged to my Grandfather and he gave it to me years ago for another DIY project I had in mind, but instead it sat against the wall in our shed for a few years. We used it a few times but it really wasn’t sturdy and safe to stand on.
I decided to find pots and planters to fit the ladder before I painted. I found a Deck Box Planter that would fit right over the bottom step securely, and because I needed more space for planting things like rosemary…which is essential in my herb garden! I also picked up a few other pots at my local garden center and found a hanging pot to use in the open space in the back.

After priming, I painted it with Valspar Encounter Satin spray paint. I absolutely love the color and it really stands out in front of the brick.
I decided I would use up as much space as I could and add a leftover board we had to lay across the bottom to store soil and other equipment. I used some leftover pieces of deck railing underneath the board to keep it sturdy.The locking lid can seals tight to store the soil and it makes a nice place for potting. I just bought some S hooks at Lowe’s to hang my hand-held garden tools right above the can.
I know my Grandaddy would be pleased with it since it was his old ladder and he loved gardening.
This was such a fun project and it’s so convenient to step right out the back door as I am cooking and clip the herbs I need to prepare my dishes. The ladder is nice because it really doesn’t take up a lot of space on the deck and would be good for those who don’t have the yard space to plant.
Karla @ Small Town Rambler
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Frequently asked questions
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  2 questions
  • Jan Jan on May 15, 2018

    I'm working on something very similar. Just have one question, how did you secure the ladder so it would not tip over in wind?

  • Tammi Gass Tidwell Tammi Gass Tidwell on Apr 27, 2020

    Karla Thank You for the Great Idea

    I have My Grandpa's 2' & 4' Wooden Ladder, now I can enjoy them. I have some Questions,

    Does it have to be Plastic Containers or can You use Terracotta Containers

    Can Your Herb Garden

    Take Full Sun, and if not maybe the Front Porch?

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2 of 92 comments
  • Kathy Lathom Kathy Lathom on Jul 16, 2018

    I did something similar, but it was my Dad's ladder, we didn't think it would actually hold people anymore. We wanted to keep the original "color".

    comment photo
  • Golf 4 me Golf 4 me on Jul 31, 2018

    I have a small 4 step ladder... thx for idea! I love it!
