How to Propagate Succulents


A few succulent plants were purchased to build a terrarium for our home and a few leaves had fallen off in a couple of the containers. One of the leaves had already started to sprout a tiny, little succulent plant. I took proper care to make sure the new plant continued to grow into a healthy, adult succulent. Here's how you can grow succulents from cuttings, too!

Some things you need to know about propagating succulents: The leaves need to be healthy. If there’s any sign of damage or rot, they won’t regrow and all you’ll be left with is a dried up, dead leaf. Not all of the leaves will make it. Depending on how many plants you wish to grow, you might want to remove a bunch of them at a time. The soil your new succulent will grow in shouldn’t be saturated. Treat it as you would an adult succulent plant, but be gentle as the leaves are fragile.

To propagate succulents, you'll need the following: Healthy succulent leaves, Paper towel, Potting soil, Small container and Water

You'll start by removing healthy looking leaves from the bottom of your succulent plant by gently wiggling them off of the stem. Be patient and take your time to ensure the entire leaf is removed.

Then, on a paper towel, set out your succulent leaves to dry. The end of the leaves must be dried to ensure they heal properly. This could take a few days or up to a week.

Next you'll need to fill a container with well-drained potting soil and place your dried leaves on top of the soil. Within a few weeks, you will begin to see a tiny new plant sprout from the end of the parent leaf. Roots will start to grow shortly after.

For full instructions on how to propagate succulents and more information on how to care for them, visit the link below.

Ashley Griffith
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  • Betty Betty on Mar 25, 2019

    How to keep the ball succulent alive

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  • Nancy Anderson Nancy Anderson on Apr 12, 2015
    I do the same, my yard is almost all succulents, with a grass area for my dogs!! But here in California the grass may be a nostalgic memory of the past very soon!!!
    comment photo
  • Ruheena Ruheena on Apr 12, 2015
    I just leave the dropped leaves into another pot or just beside the original plant and they propagate themselves.
    • Holly Holly on Oct 29, 2019

      Not necessarily. Depends on the type of succulent. Doesn't work for all succulents therefore this alternative as listed above exists.
