Have You Bottomed Out?! #30dayflip

by Caroline
2 Hours
Well not you exactly- your chairs! I got these chairs for a song because the bottoms were out. While you can buy the caning and spline to re-do them, they really weren't worth it.
They are reproductions and although they look pretty good, the backs are actually laminated and were starting to come apart.
I am participating with some other bloggers and blog readers in a where we choose a space and flip it. I am turning an old fish shed into a potting shed. I also want to be able to have my morning coffee out there so I knew I would be needing some chairs and a table (another post will be coming about the table)
-First I painted the chairs.

-Then I used a utility knife to cut away the old sheet of caning. There is no need to remove the spline because it is going to be covered up by the new seat.
-I measured the opening to see how big to cut the replacement chair bottom.

-I used a piece of 1/4" plywood we had in the boat house but you could use something that is thinner than that.
Because these chairs are going to be used outside, I wanted to use water proof fabric. I also wanted to use them with a red and white table that I will show you later and because we have spent so much money on the lumber for the potting shed, I wanted it to be cheap or free!

I had some of this adorable red and white rooster oilcloth left over from another project and knew it would be perfect! I also cut some old foam I had saved from the back of chair I am recovering (no, I don't throw anything away!!) to pad the seat a little.
Choose a screw that will go through the chair itself and the chair bottom itself without going all the way through the foam and fabric-or you will get a little surprise when you sit down!!

Sit back and enjoy your handiwork!

There are more detailed instructions on my blog!
After all was said and done I wish I had made the seats a little larger. They are still better than falling through a hole, but they would have been a little more comfortable if they were bigger. Not all DIY's go exactly as planned, do they? We learn form our mistakes and move on to the next project!!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 21 comments
  • Grace Grace on May 08, 2015
    Beautiful job! Thank you for sharing! So based on your information, my curbside find possibly had caning. I made the seat bigger and just covered the whole thing.
    comment photo
    • Caroline Caroline on May 10, 2015
      @Grace Thanks Grace! And love that find! You did a great job!!
  • Trudy Trudy on May 09, 2015
    They are in short supply because it is so time consuming no one will pay for it. I taught myself with a book. If you are patient and can macrame or embroider you can do it!