White DIY Mirror - Artist Inspired

Tandy Johnson Bobo
by Tandy Johnson Bobo
While perusing through Pinterest one night I happened upon a beautiful white mirror that had been pinned hundreds of times. I of course wanted in on that action and went to the site to see how it was done. To my dismay I discovered that it wasn't a how-to but instead just pictures highlighting an artist's works of art. The site even explained that this was not a DIY project. "Oh ya?" I thought, "Time to change that!"
My White DIY Mirror
I took an old 12"24" mirror that I had bought from Ross last year and spray painted it white. I used a satin finish because I didn't want it too glossy.
$15 mirror from Ross before spray paint
Next I checked to the layout to make sure I had enough coverage. I purchased all my little knicknacks from a local thrift store and spent a total of $5. These included silk roses, a wooden butterfly, an old violin Christmas ornament, plastic fruit and pine cones attached to yucky plastic ferns. I also had some odds and ends around the house. I grabbed an old, frayed nylon rope out of the garage, some twigs from the yard and leaves off of my fake ficus tree (it's on it's last leg). There was still a little space left so I made 2 flowers out of copy paper as well.
Check the layout before you glue
I spray painted everything white - the same color as the mirror. While the knicknacks were drying, I stapled a piece of cardboard to the back of the mirror for support and hot-glued an an inch-thick wedge of florist's foam to the top of the mirror. Don't forget to spray that white as well. You don't want any green showing through.
Foam painted green with cardboard behind
Now it's time to glue in all your pieces! I started in the middle and worked my way outward. Once done, I went back in and added a few more leaves to fill in any holes I missed. Below is a closeup of everything glued in. You can see the paper flower in the top right corner, the butterfly in the middle and various other objects from fruit to pine cones.
Closeup of glued-in objects
Once I had everything glued and set the way I liked, I gave it one final spray to make sure everything was evenly coated. And voila! White DIY mirror. I wish my lighting was better for taking pictures and to better show the contrast, but this white mirror looks awesome on my light gray walls. Below I posted my inspiration piece from the artist and then the before and after.
Thanks for reading my very long first post on Hometalk! I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

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  • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Jul 16, 2020

    What a good imagination you have. Well done. But you know; I really like the original colours of your 'nick-knacks'. Maybe do another creation, using something similar, but integrate the original colours, rather than paint all items. What else r u thinking of doing?

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  • Melinda Record Melinda Record on Nov 17, 2020

    OMG ~ this mirror is remarkable ... it's gorgeous. You transformed a simple, ho-hum, ordinary mirror in to an elegant piece of wall decor. You did an awesome job and I love that you used all one color in a matte finish which softens the boldness of the piece. Yes, your creation is absolutely beautiful! [And your instructions are terrific!]

    Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  • Sandra Sandra 5 days ago

    Absolutely stunning❣️❣️❣️
