Bathroom Mirror Update
(IC: blogger)
So in my previous post I was saying how I couldn't find a perfect mirror to compliment the decor going on in the new bathroom.. Thanks to all those lovely creative geniuses on home talk and Pinterest they mentioned about glass tiling around the mirror! ..
So I prepped the mirror. Gave it a good clean and scratched up the edges to create a tooth for the adhesion. I hated the feeling and sound of scratching the glass.. My nerves were shot!
These are the tiles I managed to find. So shiny and colour co-ordinated.. :)
I cut the tiles into strips and laid them. Then marked with painters tape so they would all stay in line and not look wonky when done
I still need to grout the joints to seal them. But I think it turned out pretty good :) will have to hang it next and show you the end result of the entire bathroom!
Ok the mirror needs a proper shine. But you get the idea
Looks soooo much better in person.. Modern and unique :) just the way I like it
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Published April 22nd, 2016 5:23 PM
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3 of 11 comments
Samantha on Sep 05, 2016Was scary alright. But I honestly had nothing to lose. Because it was builders grade mirror, it was supported by metal at the back. With hook attachments. So instead of adding more weight to it (as the tiles alone would add a sufficient amount of weight) I didn't want to risk it falling off the wall and breaking. So just using as little material to add to it was best weight wise. I kept the mirror flat at all times doing this project to keep it secure. The grout then helps to keep it solid once done. But again this mirror wasn't just glass on its own, otherwise I probably gone the route you just mentioned. But since it had a solid metal backing to it, it wasn't gonna weaken with the glass tiles. If you get too scared, I've seen projects similar using self adhesive tiles that's half the weight and "fake" tiles as you might call it. Sadly nice designs of that material is very limited here in Ireland. So I couldn't get what I was looking for.
Kathy on Jan 17, 2019
I did this and glued my glass pieces to a strip of glass then glued the strips to mirror. This way I did not have to take the mirror down.
Lauren Blasik on Jan 24, 2019
Great idea! I bought an ocean front hotel suite and I had it gutted except a light fixture over a large mirror above the vanity. I really did not want to take it down but it was so ugly and taking it down would have shattered it. Where did you get the strips of mirror?
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Where did you get your tiles? I love the shape.