Antique Dresser Flip!

by Spruced.Sticks
5 Materials
6 Hours
I took a really worn down old dresser and gave it new life! Easy spray paint flip! If you want to just watch me flip this dresser, check out the video below!
The dreaded before! It certainly didn't look like much but there is potential ! The first thing I needed to do was clean it up and sand it down!
After sanding I decided I wanted to spray paint it black.
I wanted to keep the wooden panel on the drawers the natural wood, so I taped them and spray painted them.
After the black paint I removed the taped off portion and it came out great! I went over the dresser about three times with the paint. It took approximately three spray cans.
The spray paint didn't quite cover as well as I hoped. It left it a little blotchy and rough so I went over it with paint and a paint brush to even it out. (Note: I used the same paint and brand, just the can version!)
After everything was dry I simply measured and put on my hardware! I bought these at Hobby Lobby they were around $4.99 each; however, they were on sale 50% off ;)
I also added new wheels to the bottom of the dresser. I picked these up from Home Depot for about $3.00 each!
There it is! I love the way the dresser turned out. And what I love even more is that it's one of a kinda because I did it on my own!
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  • Tami Stone Tami Stone on Jun 12, 2017

    Not a question, just wanted to say I think you did an awesome job on it!! I love the natural wood in the middle of the handles. Gives it that extra umfff‼️

  • Joanie Joanie on Feb 08, 2020

    Did you have an Amish visitor? Amish make furniture and I see his straw hat setting on the dresser.

  • Crafty Crafty on Feb 09, 2021

    I agree with Star the natural wood needs something. Could you have filled the holes from the old handles and get larger handles for the natural area. I do like the idea though 😀

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