Antique Dresser Flip!
(IC: instagram)
5 Materials
6 Hours
I took a really worn down old dresser and gave it new life! Easy spray paint flip! If you want to just watch me flip this dresser, check out the video below!
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The dreaded before! It certainly didn't look like much but there is potential ! The first thing I needed to do was clean it up and sand it down!
After sanding I decided I wanted to spray paint it black.
I wanted to keep the wooden panel on the drawers the natural wood, so I taped them and spray painted them.
After the black paint I removed the taped off portion and it came out great! I went over the dresser about three times with the paint. It took approximately three spray cans.
The spray paint didn't quite cover as well as I hoped. It left it a little blotchy and rough so I went over it with paint and a paint brush to even it out. (Note: I used the same paint and brand, just the can version!)
After everything was dry I simply measured and put on my hardware! I bought these at Hobby Lobby they were around $4.99 each; however, they were on sale 50% off ;)
I also added new wheels to the bottom of the dresser. I picked these up from Home Depot for about $3.00 each!
There it is! I love the way the dresser turned out. And what I love even more is that it's one of a kinda because I did it on my own!
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Published June 1st, 2017 7:24 PM
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2 of 55 comments
Carolyn from NH on Feb 10, 2021
Oh that is just delightful 💕
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Not a question, just wanted to say I think you did an awesome job on it!! I love the natural wood in the middle of the handles. Gives it that extra umfff‼️
Did you have an Amish visitor? Amish make furniture and I see his straw hat setting on the dresser.
I agree with Star the natural wood needs something. Could you have filled the holes from the old handles and get larger handles for the natural area. I do like the idea though 😀