His and Hers Full Size Headboards Made From Doors

Vintage Headboards
by Vintage Headboards
We were recently asked by one of our Customers to make two full size headboards, one for a boy and the other for a girl that had some similarities but also were distinctly for a boy and the other for a girl.
Both doors also needed to the be the same height vertically which meant we had to choose two doors that were the same width. In this case we chose two 32" doors then started to work our magic.
The first door we chose had more of a blonde color underneath after we removed the majority of the paint. We found a little surprise underneath all of the paint...there were drawings of stick people and animals. They were drawn near one hundred years ago.
The second door we were lucky to find. It required less work as most of the paint was already off of it. We sanded it down, stained it then added a satin finish. The new trim was then painted Onyx Black with a satin finish.
Just picked up today - our Customer was very happy. More importantly the kids were too!
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  • Denise Denise on Sep 04, 2017

    How much do you charge for the plans And how do we order them?

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