DIY Pinecone Christmas Tree
Oh, how I love Christmas!! It's time to get started on my holiday decorations. I had some leftover pinecones from a Gold Pinecone Topiary I recently made. So, I decided to use them in a different way. I thought this method really made the Christmas tree look so beautiful and high-end.
I recommend taking a look at the quick video to see how I made it step-by-step and to get the complete list of supplies. I know for me, it helps.
First, we have to make sure the scales on the pinecones have opened up (expanded out) and are dry. Drying it makes life so much easier when we start cutting the scales off. To do this, simply put your pinecones in the oven on 275 degrees for an hour and a half.
Once the pinecones are dry, spray paint them in a well ventilated area. Let them dry for at least an hour. In addition to the pinecones, it's a good time to spray paint the cone and candle holder.
Next, place hot glue on the top of the candle holder rim and center the cone on the top.
Now, it's time to take out your scissors and cut off all the scales on the pinecone. This part is going to be messy but it's not going to be difficult to do. Believe me, it will pay off in the end when you see your beautiful masterpiece. That's priceless!
Just place your scissors at the root of the scales and snip it off.
You should have a pile like this and that's only one pinecone. Depending on the size of your cone, determines how many pinecones you will need. A small one should only need 2 or 3 of them. Not bad at all.
Here's the fun part! Simply place a generous amount of hot glue on the back of each scale and attach it to the cone. I did them in rows.
Once you reach the top of the cone, start to angle your scales inward to form a tip.
Afterwards, I took the tree outside to give it a light touch-up. I wanted my tree to be completely silver. This part is optional.
If you are like me and love a bling, add a bit of glitter to the tips of the scales. It really gives it an extra bit of pizzaz.
You're finished!!! That wasn't so bad at all. Aren't these trees so pretty? I absolutely love seeing them everyday. It just makes my home feel extra cozy.
Give it a try. You won't know whether you can do something until you do it.
Stay inspired. Happy Holidays!!
DIY Christmas Decorations
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CumbriaClassic-TimeSavingTips on Sep 22, 2023
They look beautiful
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