DIY Wood Farmhouse Ladder

Layne Dasher
by Layne Dasher
2 Materials
1 Hour

Create a wooden blanket ladder for a fraction of the price they are sold in stores for with this easy DIY tutorial.

Create a Wood Farmhouse Ladder using this DIY tutorial. It is very simple and easy to make without the hefty price tag from a home decor store. I show you how I used an old curtain rod and a few pieces of wood trim to make this Wood Farmhouse Ladder.

I have been wanting a wood ladder in my home for quite some time. However, I never really knew exactly where I would put it. I had a couple of options like the living room or bedroom but it would’ve required moving something else.

I really loved how I saw other people displaying or placing blankets on the ladders, and since I have several blankets and throws I knew it would be a good option.

The only problem was that I never got around to buying one.

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The prices seemed way too high.

For example, while shopping in one of my favorite places, Hobby Lobby, I found a really gorgeous ladder. It had baskets on it too for storage. I didn’t really need the baskets, but like the color of wood for this particular ladder. But the price tag was crazy.

It was $179.99!

Even with a 40% coupon or 50% half-off sale, paying $90 bucks for a wood ladder that would hold blankets and things just seemed nuts.

When I gave a closer look at the ladder, I realized it was basically trim sized wood and dowels. I knew I could probably make one for fractions of the price.

Making A Farmhouse Ladder

Over the Summer I was at my sister-in-law’s house and was helping her clean out somethings and came across a very long mahogany stained curtian-rod she no longer wanted.

I quickly said that I would take it and knew right then and there, the thickness of the rod would be perfect for my wood ladder if I could strip the stain and cut it down.

I took the curtain rod home and got to work.

I asked hubs to cut the rod into 12-inch sections. I ended up with 6 equal rods or dowels. I only needed 5 for the ladder, so the extra piece I cut in half to be later used to make a tiered stand or something else.

Never get rid of scrap wood, because you might need it for another project.

Then, I purchased this stain stripper, and while in between laundry and household chores, I sprayed the stripper on my dowels and let it do the work.

I came back about 20 minutes later and used gloves and an old towel to wipe away the old stain.

Underneath was beautiful plain wood.

Next, I dried and sanded the dowels.

After a trip to Home Depot to purchase two 6 foot long 1X2 wood trim pieces I got to work putting the ladder together.

I then used our Ryobi Air Strike nail gun to secure the rods to the ladder.

Putting The Ladder Together:

Since I am not planning to actually use this ladder for climbing up and putting any major weight on it the nails would suffice. I used three nails through the side of the trim into the rods.

I also double-checked to make sure they were evenly spaced apart.

Lastly, once my ladder was nailed together I stained it with my Old Barn Living stain in the weathered color.

And that was it!

Displaying the Ladder

Once the ladder was dry, I knew exactly where I was going to put it. My bedroom.

We have a spare blanket that lays across our bed, however, most days it ends up on the floor. Placing it on the ladder was a perfect choice so that we have it when we need it.

The ladder also serves an extra purpose in the evening. My hubby hangs his work belt and next days’ clothes out on the ladder sort of like a changing valet. So it is a win-win. What do you think?

I love the way this looks and how it is displayed. It's a perfect addition to our bedroom.

Suggested materials:
  • Wood dowels   (Home Imporvement store)
  • Wood 2X1s
Layne Dasher
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Maxie Banks Maxie Banks on May 02, 2021

    I love the idea of building a ladder to hang blankets and towels . This will be one of my next projects! Thank you so much for sharing your information with your followers.

  • Kathleen Stevenson Kathleen Stevenson on Mar 07, 2022

    I can't wait to make DIY my own! Like you I've been wanting one of these for a while and haven't thought to DIY one until I saw your DIY project how to. Thank you so much for sharing! icon (happy dance)
