Dollar Store Hurricane Candles

by Angela
I've been seeing these dollar store hurricane candle holders all over the internet and decided it was time to make myself some! Wish I'd done it a lot sooner! These are so easy and inexpensive! So versatile too!!
Dollar Store Candle Holder!
This is all you need....all purchased at the dollar store!
Use a good adhesive and glue the hurricane glass to the pedestal.
Once they're set and dry, add your candle and THAT'S IT!!
I embellished a couple of mine with some beaded garland I found at Hobby Lobby.
The possibilities are endless and seasonless!
I took another one and added fake snow in the bottom and placed a christmas ornament inside!
Frequently asked questions
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3 of 4 questions
  • Kim Lee Kim Lee on Sep 16, 2016
    The beaded garland you used, was that placed on the inside of the hurricane or the outside?
  • Kathleen Kathleen on Aug 30, 2017

    No matter what I do my garland sinks to the bottom of the vase. What am I doing wrong? I have 1 strand of 16ft., should I be filling it with 2 strands?

  • Sue Sinkhorn Sue Sinkhorn on Oct 09, 2018

    I, too, would like to know a good glass adhesive. I made some of these a couple

    or years ago using superglue and they didn't stick well or even stay centered.

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