Brighten a Dull Corner With This Colorful Faux Plant Painting Idea

Looking for a creative way to brighten up a boring corner? I have just the project for you: plant painting! With some luminous paint and a bit of imagination, we’ll transform fake plants into stunning decor that brightens up any space.

This plant painting idea is simple, fun, and perfect for anyone wanting to add a personal touch to their home decor.

Join me in this colorful adventure and discover how painting plants can make a big impact.

Tools and Materials:

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Prepare your plant with rubbing alcohol

1. Prepare Your Plant

Start by giving your artificial plant a good wipe with rubbing alcohol to remove any dirt and grime. This ensures the paint adheres smoothly.

Cutting magic erasers into sticks to use as plant painting tools

2. Get Ready to Paint

Cut the magic erasers into sticks. These will be your painting tools for a smooth application.

Luminous acrylic paints with magic eraser sticks dipped in

3. Adding Color

Dip each magic eraser stick into different colors of luminous acrylic paint. This setup makes it easy to switch between colors and ensures a vibrant outcome.

Step-by-step luminous plant painting tutorial

4. Paint Your Plant

Now comes the fun part—painting!

How to paint artificial plants with luminous colors

This is your moment to get creative, anything goes.

Get creative and paint each leaf with multiple colors

I chose to use every color I had on each leaf.

Home decor with painted plants

The magic eraser worked wonderfully at giving a smooth application.

Plant pot paint ideas

5. Painting the Pot

Don't forget the pot!

Faux plant makeover

Use the remaining paint on each magic eraser and slide them over the pot to create a lively, colorful effect.

A colorful pot complements your painted plant

This adds a cohesive look to your project.

End your project with a spray of sealer to ensure everything remains put.

Want more artificial plant decorating ideas?

Here’s a great project using little gems to make those fake plants sparkle.

Colorful plant decor

Hometalk Recommends!

Add some color to your home with this recommended faux plant, luminous paint and sealant that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Acrylic Plant Painting on Artificial Plants

And here is the result, a beautifully vibrant, unique decoration that brightens up any corner.

Let your imagination flow and create vibrant painted plants

I absolutely adore how this project turned out. It's a fantastic way to make artificial plants stand out and add a splash of color to your home.

So grab your paints and start decorating—your home will thank you for it!

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  • Teresa Teresa on May 31, 2024
    What are the giraffes made of?
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2 of 8 comments
  • Johnny Johnny on May 31, 2024
    Looks like a two year old did this. Wouldn't be caught dead with a fake plants or onethst looks like that. LOLWhat's next. .Dig a pool and put a plastic kiddie pool in as an in ground pool. What a joke. A for trying. A F for being an adult and can't even stay in between the lines.
    • Hope Hope on Jun 03, 2024
      Heh-Heh! We have a neighbor that just dug a hole (like 6’x6’) in her front yard and put a plastic liner in it and calls it an in-ground pool. I think she got a pump for it this year.
  • Teresa Teresa on May 31, 2024
    Dont listen to Johnny, that is beautiful. I paint vases and color them with various mixtures of colors. Very creative!!!! especially against the stark white. I also do diamond art, colors are what makes art, art, imo.