Upcycle Your Old Decor Items - Knockoff Decor for Cheap!

4 Materials
2 Days
Hi! Do you have any old decorative objects laying around? Maybe in storage? You like them. They mean something to you. But they just don't go with your current decor.

Or perhaps you found something at a thrift store or a garage sale. It's super cute but it's not the right color.

You can easily repair/upcycle your old decor items to fit in with your decor (and have them turn out to look like expensive decor objects!)
I have these two ceramic elephants that were passed down to me. They are very special to me. But truthfully, the brown and the black don't go with my decor. And the poor brown elephant had a broken nose too!
I decided to try and make these elephants work for me! I wanted to display them without having them clash. So I got to work! First - a little gorilla glue to fix the broken nose. Easy enough!
He's all fixed up! I had to let the glue dry overnight. But now it's as good as new. Next up - a new color for my elephants!
West Elm, Pottery Barn, Jonathan Adler - they all have these beautiful glossy, white ceramic decorative objects. But they can cost a fortune! This Rustoleum Gloss Enamel spray paint will transform my objects - you will never know the difference.
I set up a spray paint station in my backyard. I don't like to paint inside because of the fumes - it's best to do this in a well ventilated area. I also laid out some paper bags. I didn't want to look at white grass for the next three weeks!

It's best to spray at a distance of 10 inches or more, in a back and forth motion. LIGHT COATS IS KEY! Otherwise your paint may drip, or crackle as it dries due to a thick coat.
Follow the directions on your spray paint can. Mine were fully dried after 48 hours. You can reapply a second coat within the hour, or after 48 hours. These are looking like brand new decor to me! I'm excited!
I proudly display these items around my house now. And - for the cost of a little spray paint - I have a brand new decor item! Don't give up on those items and pull them out of storage. You will be amazed at the difference! Color options are limitless too - I see a lot of white and brass colored decor objects through Pottery Barn, West Elm and stores like that. But really - it's up to you and what you prefer!

This is a great way to get knockoff decor for cheap!

Thanks for reading!
Suggested materials:
  • Rustoleum gloss protective enamel spray paint   (amazon)
  • Gorilla Glue   (Already had - you can get from amazon, home depot etc.)
  • Paper bags for paint station   (already had)
See all materials
Karen | Decor Hint
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