How to Cover Ugly Popcorn Ceilings or Drywall

by AmericanTinCeilings
Tired of seeing knots and bubbles in your wall? Our proprietary Snaplock tin ceiling tiles screw directly over popcorn ceilings and drywall saving you a huge headache and messy removal. With no wood necessary, all you need is your existing drywall and drywall screws. The tiles are made with two female sides and two male sides that literally “lock” into place at the flanges and start at less than $2 a square foot.
Tin ceilings are a great way to brighten up a kitchen.
A beautiful tin ceiling installation
Artisan tin tiles create a loft-like space
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  2 questions
  • Pearl M Pearl M on Jun 21, 2018

    At $2 a square, this will probably get expensive! Is there any less expensive way to cover the popcorn ceilings without having too scrape them? Working on a fixed monthly income??

  • Martha Sikes Martha Sikes on Mar 06, 2020

    How do I order the tiles?

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  • Debbie Ann Leonhardt Debbie Ann Leonhardt on Sep 20, 2016
    The popcorn ceilings are the worst to have in a farmhouse, too much dust adheres to them...anything has to be better and easier to clean...thanks for the suggestion..
  • Linda Bryant Linda Bryant on Dec 14, 2016
    I am using shiplap on 1 wall and was wondering about extending shiplap to the ceiling. I either need to put up a tin ceiling, drywall mud or maybe the shiplap would be the most affordable option. Your thoughts...would shiplap on the ceiling be too much with it also on 1 wall? Or should I consider the tin, but I am afraid that will be too expensive for a rental property.