What kind of storage bags do I put the hosta in for the winter

Loyce Johnson
by Loyce Johnson
  21 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Nov 28, 2021

    You can put them in gtocery storage bags in an unheated garage and you can also store them on pots or planters.

    • You can wrap the planter with blankets, burlap, bubble wrap or plastic, and cover it overnight during hard freezes with frost cloth or another thick covering.
    • You can bury the entire planter (the top should be at ground level).
    • You can also try covering your planters with leaves in a big leaf pile. Try to make sure there is a foot or more of leaves on top of them. Then, throw a tarp on top of the pile.

  • A paper bag or burlap will do it!

  • Dee Dee on Nov 28, 2021

    I usually wrap mine in old beach towels and keep in the garage.

  • Janice Janice on Nov 28, 2021

    I found this advice for you.

    Steps To Care For Hostas in Winter

    1. Water deeply once a month in the fall.
    2. After the first hard freeze, cut off dead leaves.
    3. Cover the remaining plant with mulch.
    4. Do not water during the winter.
    5. Remove mulch during the spring months.
    6. Potted plants need a cold dormant area such as a garage or shed.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Nov 28, 2021

    here is info on how to winterize your hostas- I assume they are planted outside and this keeps you from digging up the bulbs, etc


  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 28, 2021

    Paper sacks like those from the store. Some people even use paper sacks to cure herb in.

  • William William on Nov 28, 2021

    I leave mine in the ground. Cut off the dead leaves. Cover with mulch or dried leaves for the winter. Never had any problems.

  • Annie Annie on Nov 28, 2021

    Are your hostas in a pot? We have ours in the ground and never remove them. I let them die back for winter and cover with some mulch, like leaves. In Spring they just come back to life.

  • I would use some paper bags and just keep it covered and store it in a cool spot.

  • Maura White Maura White on Nov 28, 2021

    You may not even need bags - you could just cover it in mulch until spring.

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Nov 28, 2021

    Paper bag

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Nov 28, 2021

    Hello. Depending upon which zone you are in you may leave them in the ground. I am zone seven in mind stay in the ground all year.

    For the best local professional advice I would highly suggest contacting your cooperative extension. These offices are manned by volunteer master gardeners on site there waiting to answer the communities questions that know your local situation quite well.

    Master gardeners are required to volunteer back designated hours ( plus continuing education) each year to maintain MG certification -this community outreach and education is their goal.

    If your office is closed....there might be alternative online venues like Ask an Expert as well as emailing your local master gardeners extension office for their guidance.... in a non contact manner.

    Additionally many master gardener extensions have wonderful gardening educational presentations on zoom webinars—or storedon YouTube— if that would interest you. I watch these for educational hours for my continuing education.

    Most plants success depend on their hardness to geographic planting zones. presenting weather conditions and local soil and sunlight exposure.

    Your local experts should have the ideal suggestions for your need.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Nov 29, 2021

    Something they could breath in

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Nov 29, 2021

    I don't store mine but leave them out all winter. My mother does the same. They come back each year. If you are bringing them in, you will do better to put them near a window and care for them.

  • Here is a great video on how to prepare hostas for the winter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDDJk_KAM1Y

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on Nov 30, 2021

    Are you talking about plants

  • Quite honestly, I don't do anything, just leave them in the ground, occasionally clean up dead stems and leaves. Every year they come back bigger and stronger. I'm in Chicago too so we know winter.

  • Having either a burlap or paperbag will do.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Dec 01, 2021

    You do not dig up hostas and store them in the winter. You need to leave them in the ground. When they have died down you can cut off any leaves that are left and just leave the plant until spring and it will come up beautifully.