In-ground Spa: Making a Portable Bullfrog Spa Appear Custom
Best Hot Tubs "Hot Tub and Pool Experts"
(IC: professional)
Sometimes you can have it all. Our clients wanted the look of a custom in-ground “spillover spa”. And even though they were also building a pool, and spa operations would normally be connected to the pool, they wanted the spa to operate independently so they could use it when the pool was closed down.
Spa seating comfort and excellent massage jets were also important to them.
Long Island Hot Tub, in cooperation with The Deck and Patio Company, developed an ideal option: we built a portable Bullfrog Spa -- known for its comfort and amazing massage jets -- all the way into the ground, surrounded it with boulders and plantings, and added a moss rock waterfall just beneath the hot tub that spills into the pool.
In addition, the clients opted for color changing lights available on Bullfrog Spas, allowing them to create the mood they want: from soft and romantic to rapid changing colors when having a party.
The look is definitely custom and met all their needs:
Spa seating comfort and excellent massage jets were also important to them.
Long Island Hot Tub, in cooperation with The Deck and Patio Company, developed an ideal option: we built a portable Bullfrog Spa -- known for its comfort and amazing massage jets -- all the way into the ground, surrounded it with boulders and plantings, and added a moss rock waterfall just beneath the hot tub that spills into the pool.
In addition, the clients opted for color changing lights available on Bullfrog Spas, allowing them to create the mood they want: from soft and romantic to rapid changing colors when having a party.
The look is definitely custom and met all their needs:
The waterfall located just beneath the hot tub is actually coming out from the pool’s edge, although it appears to be spilling from a custom in-ground spa.
We built a Bullfrog Spa into the ground and surrounded it with boulders and plantings for an enchanting in-garden appearance.
Even though this Bullfrog Spa is mostly built into the ground and appears to be a custom spa when viewing it from the pool and patio, we left sufficient access on one side for ease in getting to the plumbing equipment panel.
In keeping with the natural setting of the hot tub, Long Island Hot Tub used large natural stones, and a bluestone stepping stone, for steps to the hot tub.
Because this portable spa isn’t connected to the pool’s automation, it can be operated all year. In addition, It’s massage jets — JetPaks — are interchangeable so the clients can choose the exact massage location and the impact they want at any given time or season. These JetPaks are also comfortable seats which many people prefer to the feel of a traditional concrete in-ground spa
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Published August 6th, 2015 4:31 PM
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This is just perfect! It looks fantastic and so inviting. Seeing your setup has inspired me to create a spa zone in our backyard as well. Who can share reviews of hot tub outpost customer service? It would be perfect to have my own little oasis to unwind in after a long day. I'll definitely be taking some cues from your setup when planning ours. Thanks for sharing your amazing project.