What Airless Spray Tip To Use?

Chris Berry
by Chris Berry
4 Materials
30 Minutes
Getting the proper finish with an airless sprayer is in large part related to the tip you use. Learn what airless spray tip to use right here.
You first have to rent or purchase a quality airless sprayer that will work for your project. Two good all around sprayers that will work for just about any project including interior and exterior painting, furniture, decks, fences, and a lot more is the Titan 440 and the Graco 395. You can find both sprayers in my Tool Store on my website www.theidahopainter.com
A 310 Fine finish tip will spray a high quality fine finish as shown in white. Good for door, trim, furniture, and small projects.
A 515 tip, shown below the 310 pattern, sprays a larger fan making the painting process faster for projects like fences and the exterior of your house. The finish is not a good a FF tip.
If you want to paint super fast use a 1221 tip. Good for new construction painting.
Watch my video for advice on how long tips last, what causes fingering, when to use each tip, and what the size numbers refer to. Visit my YouTube channel The Idaho Painter Home Improvement How To's for over 600 self help painting and home improvement videos.
Tips do not last forever. The will spray about 50 gallons before the are blown out. If the pressure is to high you will get to much over spray. If the pressure is two low you will get fingering.
Visit my website where there is always free tool and product giveaways.
You can watch my live show every Monday on YouTube at 7pm mountain time USA.
Control overspray by not over using your tips. Tips last around 50 gallons each. Also if your pressure is to high you will get to much overspray. If the pressure is to low you will get fingering.
Suggested materials:
  • Graco RAC X FF 310 tip   (theidahopainter.com tool store)
  • Graco RAC X 515 tip   (theidahopainter.com tool store)
  • Graco 395 airless paint sprayer   (theidahopainter.com tool store)
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