How do I fix the hinge on my kitchen cabinet door?
My kitchen cabinet door bottom hinge screws keeps falling out. I replaced the hinge several times and changed the screws nothing seems to work in holding that door straight and intact.
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Hi Linda I had some pretty good luck in a similar situation. I used slightly longer screws and filled the holes with wood putty before reattaching the hinge. The wood putty held it secure without making it impossible to remove later if necessary.
You can also use carpenter's glue and shims, like toothpicks to make a smaller hole.
Stick some toothpicks in the holes. Wood matchsticks in the holes. Sharpen wood chopsticks in the holes. Golf tees in the holes. Slivers of wood in the holes. Glue isn't necessary but helps. Wood putty will crumble over time.
I used a toothpick to fill the extra space in the hole and used clear glue and put the screw back in. All fixed never came out again.
Hi! This is the product I have used several times for just that problem. Once it hardens, you can screw into it and it stays. Good luck!
J-B Weld 8257 KwikWood Wood Repair Epoxy Putty Stick- 3.5 inch, Tan
Hi, The hole for the screw is now too big, use a plastic or wood plug in the hole and then re-screw the hinge in place. It should not stray in place.
I have found refilling the existing oversized holes with epoxy putty and re-drilling the hinge holes did solve situation at my daughters house.
It does harden in a few minutes and will dry a gray color can be sanded or drilled and will needing painting unless its final gray color works for your repair.
It's a two-part epoxy sticky-found at big box hardware stores in the plumbing department near the pvc purple glue. In a clear plastic red capped tube. I get mine at Lowes $6. Home Depots its version and JB Weld is another but more $ and smaller. Other smaller 2 part epoxy sticks options can also be found in the boat marine and wood repair shopping sections.
Can you turn it upside down so the screw is on top?
Does the door screws keep coming out of the cabinet like the hole is to big .do you have a golf tee shove it in the hole then put the screw back in and tighten.
There is a product called Locktite that keeps the screws in place.
If you've already replaced it several times, you likely don't have anything left for the screw to sit firm. You can fill it will wood putty or even wood glue. Let it dry really well before screwing it back together.
Add toothpicks to the hole and then the screw. They act like small shims and give the screw something to grab onto.
You might need to fill the holes then redo the screws. Fill the holes with toothpicks and wood glue and when dry, trim off the excess sticking out. Now you can reattach the hinge and screws.
Hi Linda, you can use a strong wood filler or glue to fill the holes, let it set well then re-attach the hinge, you could even put some glue under the hinge where it is attached for a bit of extra holding power.
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Sounds like the screws are stripped. Hubby wraps the screws with plumbers tape this conforms to the shape of the screws when pressure is applied but gives the screws a little extra width.