Little Girls Dream Kitchen

by Regina
Found this old beauty and instantly knew what I would do with her!
Can't beat free old RCA Hi-Fi. This sat in an old musty basement for years.
Lots of heavy old parts.
Stripped all the stereo parts out & sat it outside to air out musty smell

Drilled holes for sink, faucet & burners.
One coat of Kiltz! I removed the decorative speaker cover in the left side of the unit. I had awesome idea for its use!
Two coats of white paint inside & out. Etched in grey on one end for counter top appearance. Added knobs, burners and sink!
Fabric lined inside cubbie in one end. Fabric lined right side decorative frame.
Remember the decorative framed speaker cover from the left side of unit? I glued complementary color fabric to the back and mounted it to the middle of the unit, giving it a window appearance. Local thrift shop had large silver bowl & used faucet. I found 3 old electric burners from an appliance repair shop that give them to me free! They were dingy looking so I slapped a coat of black on them to make shiny new burner look. I added towel rack with contrasting fabric & garage sale utensils. Love the results!
To New!
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  • Cindy Cindy on Mar 10, 2016
    any ideas for how to raise it up to be a bit taller? this would look adorable whitewashed. I am going for a rustic look in my house and Im looking for older cupboards and counters that I can do a whitewashed look and LOVE your idea
  • Edna Donohue Edna Donohue on Mar 22, 2017

    I LOVE this idea! I am wondering how you could add a door to the left side to create a "fridge" look or maybe add a shelf to give more storage? Any thoughts?

  • Debra Butterton Debra Butterton on Oct 23, 2017

    Could you give me an idea on what kind of outdoor paint to use especially in a cedar tree yard

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