Upcycled Bottle Planters

by Magdalena
3 Materials
This is how the plastic bottle planters were done.
First I cut the plastic bottle in half...
Then I use some cotton thread to make it prettier. I made two holes, wrapped the bottle with a different thread again and use the holes to put the tread through and hang the bottle-pot. This can be simplified and done in many ways I guess. It's all up to you :)
I use S-hooks to hang pots by pushing hooks in between the fence boards, screw hooks can be use too.
Within next few days I added few more bottle-pots and I may keep adding, it's so addictive!

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Suggested materials:
  • Empty plastic bottles
  • Threads
  • Plants and soil
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  3 questions
  • Haley Haley on May 05, 2016
    What about drainage?
  • Donna Leggett Moses Donna Leggett Moses on May 05, 2016
    Would you explain the type of hooks you put on the fence to hang the planters? The pictures aren't giving me any idea.
  • Jet2115096 Jet2115096 on May 05, 2016
    When you water the plants, do you unscrew the lids?
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  • Sandy Meeker Sandy Meeker on Jun 15, 2016
    This is reall y cool, also very pretty
  • Doreen Kennedy Doreen Kennedy on May 07, 2020

    I love your pop bottle planters and garden area. I use bottles as mini greenhouses and all sorts of other ways. When my seedlings are ready to go out, I think I’m going to flip my bottles to make pots like yours. I just love how they look on your fence.

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