Updated and Transformed "deck to Oasis of Serenity"

Diana K
by Diana K
this is the deck we started with when we moved here 7 years ago..since then I have found out I have lupus and sometimes have a really hard time doing what I get in my head (which used to keep me very busy and usually in mischief )..my husband has built the porch into a sanctuary for me..close enough to the front door that he can hear if I fall & I don't have to trek the north 40 to get there ;) and still private enough to get some me time :) It was constructed primarily of 2x4x8's and he cut and designed(all in his head) what he'd do to undertake this major feat.YEP LADIES!!! HE'S A KEEPER :) <3
well,THIS is what we started with..kinda scary ..right ;)
after several store bought,and free cycled gazebo frames that would not withstand storms, snows and of course wind, hubby took things in his own hands ;)
he is having second thoughts ;) but trudges on :)
we even recruited my daughters boyfriend into the act..he's tall,a hard worker,and has a steady ladder that doesn't fold up with you..thats a big plus :)
Of course, along with the boyfriend, comes the middle daughter :) Gracie
well, it took many sleepless nights of studying and soul searching, but Donnie finally decided how he wanted to construct the "perfect" roof.. HE WAS ADAMANT THAT IT WOULDNT BE FLAT :)
look at that pitch (O.o) :)
oh how we anxiously anticipated the hanging of the door, which I guarded with my life, and slept with it by my bed until the appropriate hanging day :) yep, its my dream screen door :)
and then came the construction of the screen panels...no easy task,and thwarted by gremlins of screen-dom ...I think we "patched" twice,and completely replaced one panel..thus it is wire not fabric screen :)
AHHHHH! Time for my favorite part, ambiance =) the interior decorating has begun :*)
Oh, I may cry,the perfect gift from the perfect husband..
I can honestly say,he made all my dreams come true =*)By the way,all this took from the first week of May to mid-June :) Yes,he held down his full time job and worked all his off time (evenings weekends on this little project :)
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  • Mary Alice Mary Alice on Aug 25, 2016
    You said wire not screen? What kind of wire?
  • Blaez Blaez on Aug 24, 2017

    This is absolutely beautiful! đŸ’– Fantastic job on the part of your hubby and his helpers! I have a rare bone disease and can't get out much. I have been wanting something like this for a long time now and this gives me a great idea for my son's to do. I am curious about one thing... since you have fencing/railing already on your deck, would it not have been more convenient to build it attached to that and made it roughly 2 ft bigger on the one side and back? I'm asking because my deck is made kind of the same way with the exception of my wheelchair ramp. Putting this on my deck like you have would enable me to use my wheelchair to go in and out and attaching it to the decking would utilize what's already there and allow me to add more space inside. Or am I wrong?  I would truly appreciate your input. Thank you for the inspiration!! Your husband should do this full time!

  • M.rivera M.rivera on Mar 13, 2020

    How much did you spend on the mosquito netting?

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2 of 282 comments
  • Chris Keating-Ingelse Chris Keating-Ingelse on May 08, 2020

    Just what I've been looking for to get my husband to build a screened porch!!!

  • Robyn Carpenter Robyn Carpenter on Dec 12, 2021

    Love love love. Exactly what I have been asking for. We would build straight off the ground and I can’t imagine anything but this! Great job hubby! When wife’s happy everything is great
