Back Yard Fire Pit and Chairs

Carol Rigney
by Carol Rigney
I love this spot in my backyard. It is not complete but I will add to the post as it goes. We are adding a deck around the fire pit because we have these wonderful trees and it is very hard to grow grass. The chairs are made in an Adirondack style but not quite so deep in the back. This makes them easier to get in and out of. I have painted a couple and stained some. The beauty of these chairs is they were made from fencing wood. It is so much lighter weight and it weathers well. The rustic look is good for me also. You can't tell much from the pictures, but the height of the chairs is a little different so short people can enjoy too. The seat is a little wider so I can have my Dachshunds sit with me (since it's me or them). The wide arm lets me have a coffee spot. I love it. Thank you again Honey! The plans for these chairs are at I also love my fire pit. The bricks came from Lowes and they are just stacked in place. They have a lip on them for stacking. The bottom is Lowes pavers and a little dry cement poured in the cracks and wet to harden. We love sharing fire side chats with our friends. Now on to the decking. Thinking about using old pallet wood.
Stained outdoor chairs
Just so you could see how the back was made
Backyard fire pit- great for cleaning up sticks from the yard
Come in, Stay long, Talk much! The long bench was made from a lost tree in the yard and a few deck boards.
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  • Donna Donna on Nov 26, 2016
    Do you have instructions to make the chairs?
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  • Elizabeth Sagarminaga Elizabeth Sagarminaga on Jul 31, 2015
    I was really stunned while I was going through this awesome fire pit along with its striking chairs. Your ideas are really mind-blowing. This way you can give an elegant touch to your backyard. I found so many useful tips from your post. They are really helpful and innovative. Great job you have done.Nice share.
  • Jma32409662 Jma32409662 on Jan 14, 2018

    hello everyone. I am in Australia so cannot get this pattern. Could anyone email it to me. my name is Anne. My email is
