Make Your Grout Look Like New!

by EngineerMommy
2 Hours
I can’t believe we’ve been in our current house for over two years. In a way, it feels like we just moved in here. It was our first single family home. We love having a spacious, private backyard for the kids. We love having an in-house washer & dryer to make laundry day a breeze. We also love our family-friendly neighborhood. However, there has always been one thing that bothered me about this place…

The tile floor in the kitchen has seen better days. To be clear, the tiles themselves are in good condition, as in there are no cracks, chips, etc (although I probably would have chosen another color for the tiles). However, the overall floor in the kitchen has been a bit (a lot!) of an eyesore, mainly due to the condition of the grout.
Not pretty, right? Actually, this is downright embarrassing, but I’m keeping it real for my readers.
Here's a close-up of the grout. It's so discolored. Even though I have tried scrubbing the grout with an old toothbrush, it still never looked attractive!
Here is my husband applying the Grout Renew solution. It was easy to use. Simply pour some of the solution over the grout and use a toothbrush (or finger) to spread it out over the grout. Be sure to work in a small area at a time to avoid the solution drying before you are done. Also, wipe up any solution that gets on the tile before it dries. You can see how the areas covered by the Grout Renew are fresh and light in color. It’s looking so much better, right?
Doesn't it look so much better?
And here's a wider view of the kitchen after treatment. My floor looks brand new. I love the way this product worked! For more tips & pics, please visit the blog post below.
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Laura Moore Laura Moore on Nov 09, 2018

    What is the solution you used?

  • Timothy Klein Timothy Klein on Nov 25, 2018

    The grout renew solution, did you purchase this? If you made it, could you give me the recipe please?

  • Janet Janet on Jul 20, 2019

    I was watching You Tube videos where people used this product and I was really impressed. I have two bathrooms that I'd like to do. I also have a kitchen floor that is vinyl tiles. Do you know if this product would work on vinyl? My vinyl tiles have a beveled edge so it looks like ceramic tiles with dark grout. I am sick of the dark "grout" and would love to make it lighter. Your floor looks amazing now! Thanks for sharing.

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