Easy Faux Granite With No Sponge Painting -2

Cynthia E
by Cynthia E
30 Minutes
ok played with tech. again doing a lighter granite -- (mixed a little pearlescent glaze tint in all colors) Base was off white, 1st coat glaze was yellow ochre, 2nd glaze coat was black, 3rd glaze coat was raw sienna , 5th glaze coat was Espresso Bean . Last step was a glaze of untinted pearlescent glaze. Apply 2 coats of base coat letting dry. 1 glaze coat at a time roll on glazes and spritz with a 50-50 mixture of Zinsser's wallpaper remover and water 30-40% coverage (this will keep paint from completely covering and allow prev. colors to come through. When glaze is dry wipe off whole area with cotton rag damp with warm water- you will be removing Zinsser spots only. Repeat glaze coat step 3-4 times (or until you have pc as you want it. ) Last step would be to polyurethane piece, which I did not do as just a small sample piece of wood. Longest part of this whole process is laying out your supplies and waiting on paint and glazes to dry so can go to next step. * wanted to see what gloss poly would do- really enhanced pattern , brought out depth and more details.
This is a photo of partial design with poly- left and right sides are without poly center has poly. You can see if brings out depth and details of the patterning.
sample pic 2
sample pic 3
sample pic 4
loosely based on this granite picture online --- very loosely
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3 of 18 comments
  • Kris Kowalski Kris Kowalski on Mar 09, 2014
    Beautiful! We need to re-do our kitchen counter. Do you think this would work? I've seen people do it.
    • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Mar 09, 2014
      @Kris Kowalski Forgot to add and don't see it in my post this is all done with paint rollers. Def. be sure and watch video on link this is where I learned this treatment Vaughan Baker is awesome at showing how he does EASY realistic looking faux treatments. http://creativepaintingtechniques.org/how-to-paint-faux-granite/This is a pic. of the granite loosely my island top on. Wish me well. I'm really combining his granite and marble tutorials for this one (kinda like sample board was done)
      comment photo
  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Mar 09, 2014
    Yes I think it would work great. As long as you prime first and use a sealer for kitchens should be great) I am working right this minute on an island top doing this treatment. Will post pictures and let you know how it works. But honestly I see no problems I've had sample board (I sealed rest of it)laying on island (at least what using as an island right now) and have been acting like it's part of island, it is not showing any type of problems and is working great. And this is 1 of the easiest paint treatments I have ever done. I would suggest trying on a sample board so you get used to spraying the zinsser, what look you like best. In my post doing this one on countertop I will get pictures of how I'm doing the veining etc. and write out tutorial try to get step by step pics..