License Plate Box

An old license plate can be cut, and folded into a charming box with very little effort. We use them to serve nuts outside on the patio.
A couple of license plate boxes filled with nuts on the patio.
Use a rubber mallet to flatten the license plate as much as possible. You don't have to completely flatten the numbers and letters, but make the plate as "unwarped" as possible.
Cut in about 3 1/4 inches with tin snips.
Snip off about 1 inch from each cut edge.
Fold the front up, using a wood block as a quide for a crisp edge.
Fold in the back side with a pair of pliers.
Fold in the front side as well. Then repeat on the other end too.
Fold over the edges towards the inside to cover the sides.
The finished license plate box will be about 5 1/2 inches by 3 inches, and about 1 1/2 inches deep......depending on the size of your plate. Fill them with anything you want. Yes, even succulents.
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 12 questions
  • Margiecook4 Margiecook4 on Feb 02, 2017
    Where does one get used license plates?
  • Amy Amy on Feb 08, 2017
    Are the edges not sharp? Has anyone gone in for a peanut and cut their hand! My oldest son collects them and this would be great to store/organize things in his room. But he is, let's just say clumsy.
  • Margi Daly Margi Daly on Aug 24, 2018

    I have many most antique my Dad collected would like to make something bigger in memory of him. Any ideas?

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  • Ros32259156 Ros32259156 on Sep 07, 2022

    made this project awhile ago. Use it for many things - it holds my pencils and eyeglasses actual the list goes on and on. Easy enough to do. License plates generally can be found at flea markets. Hope u get around making it

  • I made this using old plates, (3).

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