Never Lose Your Keys Again ~ or Just Make Them Harder to Misplace

5 Minutes
Everyone in my family keeps their keys on a common set of hooks...sometimes I grab the wrong keys but not anymore. I used scrap leather, glue and a sharpie to set my keys apart with a LARGE leather tassel.
Here's my finished key ring ~ less than 5 minutes (other than glue drying time) from start to finish.
These are the supplies you'll need ~ plus a gold sharpie.
Binder clips hold the tassel and the ring in place while the glue is drying.
Here's the finished key ring before adding the sharpie lines....plain or dressed up it sure is pretty.
Mary Beth @ The How to Home
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4 of 7 comments
  • Judy Judy on May 16, 2014
    That's a very nice key ring decoration, Good job. To keep my keys from getting lost I took 2 key rings like the one you used, put one on the side of my purse, just under the handle & attached a clip (like the ones on a dog leash, only smaller) from the hardware store to the other one with my keys on it. When they're not in use they're clipped onto my purse. Plus they make a good security alarm....nobody can get into my purse without the keys jangling an alert!
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    • Judy Judy on May 21, 2014
      @Mary Beth You're welcome. An added advantage for me, because I'm so forgetful, is that with the 2 clipped together I can't leave the store/house, etc without either of them. There has been a time or two when I've actually reached the car, groped for my keys & realized they were on my purse in the
  • Carol Carol on May 06, 2019

    Your key chain is really cute Mary Beth. Thank you so much for sharing your project us. I just love it!
