Zen Trellis for Under $35

Lori Cohen
by Lori Cohen
6 Materials
2 Hours
I love the plant walls everywhere right now. I also love everything Zen. So I thought about it and decided I wanted to incorporate the two. But as usual I had budget restrictions. So off to my dollar stores I went. And this is what I came up with. Now I have a very interesting entrance to my house that is calming, contemporary, and awesome!
While at the dollar store I saw 10 tall bamboo sticks. Since they were only $0.99 I figured they would be perfect. I also purchased black wire for a dollar. I laid out the sticks in a trellis pattern.
Next I cut the wire into 12 inch pieces. I did a diagonal double wrap then crossed on the opposite diagonal twice on both and twisted in the back to secure.
This is a close up of the criss cross tie.
Next it was time to spray paint. I chose a matte charcoal.
While the paint was drying I hot glued floral foam (also from the dollar store) into 6 in plastic pots. These were $0.99 at Target.
I then stapled the pots to the bamboo trellis. I stapled about four to five times to make sure they were secure.
Last, I cut the grass segments from The wire bunch. I used three segments per pot.
I laid some large rocks that were in another place in my yard where I wanted to put the trellis. I think it really gives it that extra special Zen feeling. Voila! Leaned it against the wall for the finished product. Absolutely love it. Totally changed the entry to my door!
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3 of 10 questions
  • Cheri Cheri on Jul 08, 2019

    What dollar store carries these poles? The amazon price is over $50 with shipping.

  • Nana Judie Watson Nana Judie Watson on Jul 09, 2019

    In the beginning photo you show little black embossed looking rectangular plastic items. Yet you don't mention what they are when describing the step by step nor did you mention them in the resource list. What are they????

  • Diane Diane on Mar 14, 2020

    Is the grass real or fake, my plants in pots like this constantly needed water they kept dying even though I watered every day.

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3 of 46 comments
  • Maura Maura on Mar 15, 2021

    I grow my own bamboo. I have much to share but you must come and cut your own.

    • Lori Cohen Lori Cohen on Mar 15, 2021

      I totally would!!! I've wanted to grow bamboo so much you can do with it!

  • Judy Judy on Mar 25, 2021

    We made something similar a few years ago with 1x2's, little galvanized buckets from Lowes, nails, glue and spray paint. Cost more than yours but we love it.

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