Old Kitchen Cabinets Into Built-In Bed

by Offtract
3 Materials
4 Days
Last year we bought an old house that needed a lot of work. We had a pretty tight budget but didn't want our house to look like a cheap re-model. Everything had to be done including bedrooms and the kitchen.
Once we ripped out our old kitchen cabinets, we thought they could be used for storage. But how? And the idea for a buit-in bed was born. This is the second bed we made using old cabinets (the last one used bathroom cabinets).
We took a section of the cabinets (the part under the sink) and made it into a built-in twin bed. We measured out the dimensions of a twin mattress and added several inches to make sure it wouldn't be too tight of a fit once it was complete.

We had our layout and design figured out before buying any supplies- this helped save time so we weren't running to and from the store buying supplies we didn't know we would need.
The most difficult part of this project was working with the 35 year-old walls of this house that were no longer straight. So if you have an old house, keep this in mind and just know you really can't do much about it- just go with it and it will work out.
Inside the bed, we added a bookshelf for even MORE storage along with a skylight and a wall light. After the bed was built, it needed to be primed and painted.
Now that the bed is finished, I am thinking of adding curtains. Putting wall paper on the inside would be kinda cool too.
If you don't have old cabinets to use, check out your local Habitat for Humanity or Craigslist, you may not get them for free but they won't cost very much!

Check out the Offtract blog to see more photos and look at the full size built-in bed we made using an old bathroom vanity.
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 8 questions
  • Diane Diane on Dec 04, 2020

    So whomever uses it must jump literally into bed...?!

  • NancyO NancyO on Dec 05, 2020

    Any thoughts on how to make a bed that has 3 sides inaccessible?

  • NancyO NancyO on Jun 09, 2022

    Great! I already know how to create/make one, but how do you make the bed, in the sense of straightening it out every morning?

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2 of 212 comments
  • Mary Mary on Jun 04, 2023

    I think it is a great idea. I am short of space when grandkids come to stay so making a cupboard might work. Take off the doors and curtains should be good. Thank you.

  • MEG MEG on May 24, 2024

    Love it!!! great also for a spare room or a basement / upstairs for company / grandchildren visitors!
