How to make a deer proof garden?

by Fol14952025
  10 answers
  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Apr 19, 2020

    Hi, here's a few more ideas you can try - Best of luck

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Apr 19, 2020

  • Deer turn their noses up at fragrant plants with strong scents. Sages, ornamental salvias, and lavender, daffodils, garlic, annual vinca, marigolds, coneflowers

    My cousin uses a vegetable peeler on a bar of Irish Spring soap and scatters the shavings around her plants. There's also a product called Bobbex that works really well if you have something that is very precious to you.

    I read this from Gma Kirk: A farmer gave me a gross recipe for repellent...but it works. cup or two of urine, tablespoons of crushed garlic, and cayenne pepper, two eggs in a gallon jug, shake well, fill rest of the way with water. Cap and let age a week. Then you drizzle small stream around the perimeter of whatever you want to keep them from eating. Works on rabbits, too

  • Tammy Michael Tammy Michael on Apr 19, 2020

    This is an easy one AND WORKED wonders for me!!!! On the outside of your garden plant as MANY MARIGOLDS plants as you can. Buy the flats at a nursury. A FEW YRS back I did A LANDSCAPING job FOR FOR a friend WHOSE FRONT yard was a target FOR DEER when she planted anything.

    I bought flats of marigolds....and then planted HER AMAZING garden!!! So amazing she HAD PEOPLE she didnt know knocking on her door asking her for my number and couldnt belive THE DEER did not eat THE THE flowers!!!!

    Please try this!!! Good luck....Tammy Michael

  • Dee Dee on Apr 19, 2020

    The only way to truly keep deer from eating your plants is to fence them out, a task easier said than done. Putting up a proper deer fence is an expensive proposition, and when it’s finished, it may feel like you’ve fenced yourself in, instead of fencing the deer out. Deer can jump over an eight-foot-tall fence lickety-split, so if you’re going to put up a fence, make sure it’s at least that tall.

    · Stockade fences work better than those the deer can see through. Deer do not like to jump over something unless they can see what’s on the other side, so stockade fences don’t have to be as tall as other fences. The six-foot-tall stockade fence we have around the side of our house works great; the deer will readily jump over our split rail fence but they won’t jump over the stockade.

    · Sometimes the best fence is no fence at all. If you’ve been to a public zoo lately, you may notice that some facilities now separate the giraffes, zebras, cattle, and gazelles from us humans with a wide border of large, irregularly shaped rocks, instead of with a fence. This is because hooved animals like these won’t walk over unstable, rocky areas. Deer are the same. Creating a six- to eight-foot wide border of these kinds of large rocks around an area will keep deer from entering. The rock bed needs to be wide enough to prevent the deer from leaping over it. Cattle guards are also quite useful for preventing deer from entering properties via unfenced driveways or roadways.

    · Go electric. Electric fences are another useful way to keep deer out of the garden, though not all municipalities allow them. Before installing an electric fence, check your local zoning laws. You can hire a specialty company to install one or do it yourself, just be sure to follow all installation instructions carefully to prevent any hazardous conditions. Electric deer fences can be solar powered or plug-in; either way, you have to regularly maintain the fence line to make sure weeds and other plants don’t come in contact with the fence and render it ineffective. Electric deer fences deliver quite a shock (ask me, I know!), so be very careful when working around them and avoid using them if you have small children. They aren’t for everyone, but they are a very effective way to have deer proof gardens, especially if the fence is properly installed and maintained.

    Electric deer fences can be solar-powered or plug-in models. Use caution when working around them.

    · Double fence layers work like a charm. Deer do not like to jump into enclosed spaces where they feel trapped. Because of this, a double fence can be an effective tool to prevent deer damage in the garden. Surround the exterior of your yard or garden with a four- to five-foot tall picket fence, then erect a second fence of the same height about five feet inside of the first one. The inner fence layer can be made of boxwire, chicken wire, wire lines, or another less expensive material, if you want to save some money. Deer have lousy depth perception and won’t try to jump over both fences at once.

    · Use “invisible” deer netting. Probably the most common deer fencing type, black mesh deer netting fastened to wooden 4x4s or metal t-bar garden posts is an effective way to keep deer out of the garden. It must be at least eight feet tall to keep the deer from jumping over it. And, for the first few months after putting the fence up, tie colorful strings or streamers to the fence to keep the deer from accidentally running through it if they get spooked.

    · Fence individual plants. If you don’t want to fence your whole garden, fence individual plants instead. I have a few non-deer-resistant plants that I just can’t bear to part with. So, rather than replacing them, I just keep a layer of deer/bird netting over them at all times. My Hinoki cypress, for example, is constantly surrounded by deer netting. I also have a hydrangea that belonged to my grandmother that’s always under the protection of deer netting. I save this method for the most-treasured plants in my deer proof gardens.

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on Apr 19, 2020

    Here is a video

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 20, 2020

    Hello there,

    High Chain link or Wire Fencing is the best way to go.............

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Apr 20, 2020

    Hello. That might be near impossible unless you want to install a tall fence. Here are some links that might be helpful. Adjusting what you’re planting might be the first line of defense.

    This was one of my my exam questions.

    Perhaps these publications might help you.

    Classes and guest lecturer always suggest the “edu sites“ to be the most reliable to be recommended to clients and often have contacts for further information or resources contact departments.

    Deer a garden pest

    Second recommendation

    Preventive deterrent by plant/ landscaping choices could offer deer resistance

    Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance

    Bulletin 271

    This publication can offers comprehensive detailing that might aid in making the right choices before planting. Regional differences in deer species and plants could apply.

    Its my understanding from other gardeners that the cayenne pepper sprays a good deterrent.

    Heres a link that might be helpful.