Cinder Block Fence With 4x4's

by Kini
5 Materials
3 Days

Cinder block posts with 4x4's rails for diy

NOTE: The cinder block posts are movable they are not buried or cemented down. Making this fence movable and customizable at any time.

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Cinder block and paver stone.

1st I marked in 2 1/4 inches on the 12x12 paver stone to have area where cinder block would sit. Next apply Loctite adhesive on paver stone being generous but not to much it will squeeze out. (1 10 oz tube was enough for 4 applications). Place cinder block on top and position into place. Let set/cure for 24 hrs.

Note: if you need more stability look into using a larger 16x16 or 24x24 paver stone/tile


After allowing the cinder block and paver stone to cure 24 hrs, allowing for a good bond, I then started placing them where I wanted. Making sure to line them up, getting the correct distance apart and leveling.

Note: Loctite PL 500 landscape adhesive per the tube has a 2-7 day cure time.

Adding 2nd cinder block

After all beginning cinder block posts are placed and leveled. Next get ready to add 2nd cinder block. Apply Loctite adhesive to top of 1st cinder block. Set 2nd cinder block on top. Let set/cure 24hrs.

Note: depending how tall you want your fence you can stop here or add on. Also cinder blocks come in a half size with just 1 hole. I also considered adding a paver stone on top for a column look and for a larger area on top to sit a pot, decor, etc

Adding in 4x4's

Add your 4x4's in the desired holes in cinder block. I added mine in 1, 2 and 3 leaving 4 empty. Other options are (1) 1 and 3 only, (2) 1,3, and 4 or (3) in all 4 holes. It's up to you how you want them.

Note: 4x4 treated lumber comes in different lengths 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet.


My final step was painting my cinder block in the Behr barn and fence paint to tie in with the fences and trim on the house.

The 4x4 rails sit within the cinder block not attached to the other 4x4 or glued in. The 4x4 are heavy enough they don't move.

The ends of the 4x4 share the hole in the cinder block. Also 4x4 won't warp like a 2x4.

Note: landscape lumber is a less expensive option. However I've had landscape lumber warp on another project.

I added/glued reflective house numbers to the first post with a solar spot light on it for night.

2021 Update. As you can see in the pic I've added a smaller fence on the property line between me and my neighbor. Finished all the painting on the house and added shutters tying everything together.

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  • Ellen Weisgerber Ellen Weisgerber on Aug 11, 2021

    Very neat & tidy, eye appealing, great curb appeal. Good Job!! By the way, what state do you live in that has no grass at your home or your neighbors??

  • Susan Susan on Sep 10, 2021

    Loved it so much we made it as our driveway entrance! Thank you!!

    comment photo
  • Donna poynter Donna poynter on Jul 25, 2023

    What size house numbers did you use?

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2 of 237 comments
  • Kim Smith Kim Smith on Apr 03, 2023

    I share a driveway and would like to use this idea to separate us.

  • Katen Katen on Jul 06, 2023

    Definitely has modern split rail fence vibe. Painting made it look great but I might have considered painting inside holes to mask the use of the under appreciated block. Thanks for sharing
