Stain Painted Accent Table

An old round table needed to be refinished. So I opted to try stain designing.
I picked up this 80's style table and decided to try some stain designing on the top.
First I cleaned and sanded it. Taped off the top and spray painted the legs and base in a semi gloss black for contrast.
Then drew my design in pencil directly on the wooden table top.
Choosing four different stain colors, I filled in the design.

Onyx Express Color, Special Walnut, Golden Oak and Gunstock stains for colors.
It turned out well but appeared small for the table top, which is quite large.
So I added another infinity ring around the design. And I used the Golden Oak for the entire surface of the top.
Then used polyurethane for the top coat.

Robin @ Redo It Yourself Inspirations
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  3 questions
  • Kenneth J Shaw Kenneth J Shaw on Apr 02, 2016
    How did they keep the stains from bleeding out past the lines?
  • Kenneth J Shaw Kenneth J Shaw on Apr 02, 2016
    Would you seal the wood 1st if it was porous like red oak?
  • Caseyem11 Caseyem11 on Jan 10, 2020

    Stunning. Do you think a stencil would work for those of us who are not artistic?

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  • Sta50831503 Sta50831503 on Nov 18, 2021

    Your table is spectacular! Everything is really balanced from the simple legs to the beautiful design on top. Again, wow!

  • Mary Mary on Apr 20, 2022

    I tried it on a dining table that I cut down, and I haven't done anything like this before. Since this table still has the leaves, I will open it up and continue the pattern

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