Build a Pull Out Trash Bin From Existing Cabinets.

by OnBlissStreet
Does this look like a trash can? NO, IT LOOKS LIKE A CABINET! Plus, I did it for free and in an afternoon using my existing cabinet.
For a step by step tutorial of my pull out trash drawer- Go to my blog and take a look!
The cabinet that I chose had a top drawer and then the door. I cut the middle piece out using a Japanese saw. That left me with one large opening. I took the drawer from the top and essentially built a box to fit inside of it. The front face is cut to the height of the rest of the cabinets. Then I used construction adhesive to apply the false fronts.
Be sure to measure the trash cans at the store before you buy one to ensure it will fit in the drawer.
Then hide your trash can!
Take the hardware from the drawer slides that are inside the cabinet and move them down to the bottom. Make sure to use a level or your drawer will not fit.
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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