Welcome Garden Wreath

30 Minutes
I wanted to share a new wreath I made. I know so many are in cold areas and we are enjoying some sunny 70+ degree weather here in California so I wanted to add a little spring to my front door. I searched my storage and found some things I could use to make our Welcome Garden Wreath without spending any money.
I used a pool noodle to form the wreath and wrapped it with burlap for a little more rustic look.
I used a pool noodle to form the wreath and wrapped it with burlap for a little more rustic look.
I had bought a bag of these little chalkboard signs and knew they would be perfect for a Welcome Sign too.
Ok here’s how it started. I found the pool noodle, the old watering can, some silk flowers my neighbor was going to toss out……

Burlap scraps, this chalkboard sign and I remembered I had bought these garden gloves at the Dollar Store last year and never used them.
It was so easy to make and I did it in under a half hour. So I formed the wreath in a circle and taped it.
It was so easy to make and I did it in under a half hour. So I formed the wreath in a circle and taped it.

I wrapped it with scraps of burlap I had and used my hot glue gun and glued it in the back every so often.
I wrapped the garden gloves over the bottom and just did a few dots of hot glue so I can easily remove them and use them if I ever want too.
I then glued on my watering can. I added the glue just to the side edges so again easy removal.
Our porch looks fun and springy and hopefully “WELCOME”ing too.

Forward. Thank you so much for stopping by and have a great day, Lisa
For full tutorial and more pictures please click on link below.
ConcordCottage.com with Lisa Walsh Huff Kroll
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • OlgaIris Caballero OlgaIris Caballero on Mar 12, 2015
    OlgaIris Darien, Georgia
    comment photo
    comment photo
    • @OlgaIris Caballero those are so pretty. Thank you so much. I shared several more spring wreaths on my blog today too. I'm glad you stopped over and you can click through to my blog and subscribe privately and I will send you these type of posts right to your inbox too. Thank you so much and Have a great day! Lisa at www.ConcordCottage.com
  • Robin Sweet Robin Sweet on Mar 13, 2015
    really cute & creative
    • @Robin Sweet Thank you so much. I shared several more spring wreaths on my blog today too. I'm glad you stopped over and you can click through to my blog and subscribe privately and I will send you these type of posts right to your inbox too. Thank you so much and Have a great day! Lisa at www.ConcordCottage.com