Repurposed Dart Board Clock

Diana Wearing
by Diana Wearing
I’m lousy at darts, but that didn’t stop me from picking up an old dart board at a recent sale. I thought it would make a cool clock, perfect for a game room or man cave.
I picked this up for a couple bucks at an estate sale I got the “really?” look from my husband (he’s seen me play darts) I told him not to worry I had a plan.
I had these clock parts, I can’t even remember what I originally bought them for but yay now I would finally use them :)
I popped out the bullseye, inserted the clock movement from the back, added a galvanized washer in front and tightened it all down
Finished it off by adding the hands that I had spray painted a metallic silver to make it easier to read the time and that was it. Easy little project!
I love this as a clock but nothing’s been permanently altered so if I ever do become a dart shark I can always turn in back into a board.
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2 of 11 comments
  • Eric Ciolina Eric Ciolina on May 25, 2022

    Wow, I just saw this and I did the same clock about 6 months ago. I couldn’t figure out how to make the hands stick out so you could see them. Thanks for the tip on painting them silver (or white). I didn’t like the yellow as it doesn’t show very well at night.

    Hopefully the picture comes through.

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  • Eric Ciolina Eric Ciolina on Jun 05, 2022

    I made this one for a buddy out of piano keys and a circular saw blade.

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