Front Yard Landscape Installation

by Cepontzsons
This Landscaping Project included supply and installation of landscaping based on Howard J. Supnik Landscape Architect front draft planting plan. This was the second phase of this landscape project in Lancaster, PA.
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  • Becky Becky on Jun 12, 2017

    Beautiful yard for a beautiful house. I have a difficult task ahead of me with my yard. We just purchased this home. And as you can see the front yard slants down towards a small ditch in front. And the back yard gradually slants down towards the house. I want to save the yards and help the grass to grow again. The former tenant didn't do much of anything with it. Anyway the ground is very sandy and has lots of weeds. I've been working on killing the weeds and I'm going to get a load of top soil delivered and plant some sod and grass seed. But I love the idea of these flower beds. My worries are cost and possibly the yard and all my hard work washing away when it rains. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

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