Elegant Bedroom Bunny Hutch From Dresser

Whimsy and Wood
by Whimsy and Wood
Ugly, poorly painted, but sturdy $50 Craigslist Dresser.
Removed all drawers and started planning.
I was originally planning on keeping the door for access, but quickly realized it would not give enough access to the corners for cleaning or bunny wrangling.
Cut existing styles and drawer spaces and added new supports. replaced cardboard bottom, added bead board to the sides, and back.
Built new cabinet doors using wire mesh, hinges & a strong latch. Also put mesh in on the sides & along the top under the drawers.
Beautified the storage drawers. Great for holding food, bedding, extra toys, and nail trimmers!
Finally added bunny essentials and 2 fluffy bunnies..Instant best Christmas ever & a bunny hutch I can tolerate in the house:)
Whimsy and Wood
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  • Juanita Neat As Combeer Juanita Neat As Combeer on Dec 06, 2015
    Hi from Australia. I've a 9 draw dressing table which was going to convert similar in size to yous. Was wondering on your ability in keeping clean and if you have added removable trays etc. Mine toilet trained yet laziness sometimes is issue. Any suggestions. Thanks
  • Cheryl Gillman Cheryl Gillman on May 30, 2018

    This is incredible! How you find the ease of cleaning it out? My daughter has 2 rabbits (caged seperately) but one is quickly outgrowing his cage so I'd love to do something like this for him! But not sure about how easy it would be to clean it out

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