Chalk Painted End Table Refresh

3 Materials
4 Hours

Quick End Table Refresh Using Chalked Spray Paint

Not happy with the color of your end table? Think it doesn’t work with your decor? Chalked Spray paint can quickly solve the problem!


I had purchased this rattan end table from a friend. While the color wasn’t awful, I decided I really wanted it to be white so that it would work better in our home.

I am a big fan of spray paint in general and when I found that chalk paint was available in an aerosol form, I was ecstatic! I ordered two cans and did end up using all of one and most of the second in order to cover the blue paint. In hind sight, I probably should have used a muted silver spray paint as a base coat and I may have been able to use less of the Linen White.

A Bit of Prep –

Before I could begin painting the table, I did need to clean it well to remove any dust and debris that may have been present. Because I was using chalked spray paint, I didn’t need to sand it before I began painting.

I set up my work area up in the shed that ran along the back of the property. The table would be safe from the elements and if I was a tad messy with my spraying, I wouldn’t be damaging anything . I did use an old sheet as a drop cloth to protect the surface that I was working on from getting paint on it . The area was well ventilated which is very important when working with any type of paint.

After shaking the can very well to make sure the paint and the aerosol were mixed together properly, I began to spray the end table. The spray paint worked really well, especially on the legs and the rattan pieces along the sides.

Once I had applied the first coat, I let the paint dry for several hours before spraying a second coat.


After the 2nd coat of paint had dried, I used a piece of sand paper along the edges to give it a slightly distressed look. I liked the matte finish of the paint so I didn’t use any wax on it.

The Finished Table –

Here is the finished table ! I am really happy with the Linen White color! I can use it almost anywhere in our house!

Suggested materials:
  • 2 cans of Chalked Spray Paint   (Amazon)
  • Sand paper   (hardware store)
  • Old sheet used as a drop cloth   (had on hand)
Kimberly Snyder
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