How To Remove Permanent Marker

2 Materials
Admit it, at some point you've asked yourself- or someone else- how to remove permanent marker. Good news, I have a super easy method that just requires a trip to your bathroom medicine cabinet!
**I buy old, ugly, & neglected houses and flip them all by myself! So come follow the journey of my house flips at my blog, The Bachelorette Pad Flip:
Maybe you're like me and you love thrifting but sometimes, for reasons unknown to the universe, thrift stores sometimes write prices in PERMANENT marker on shoes, toys, or whatever. Or sometimes you stumble on cool pieces that have been abused by kids with markers or years of use. Well, good news, permanent doesn't mean permanent now!
Take a quick jaunt to your bathroom, grab whatever hairspray you have and some nail polish remover and you're ready to get to work!
And before you know it, that "permanent" marker is gone!

To see exactly what I did, visit my blog for this tutorial and TONS more home remodel tutorials, budget friendly room transformations, and tales of the house-flipping life.
Suggested materials:
  • Hairspray
  • Nail Polish Remover
The Bachelorette Pad Flip
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • William William on Jan 07, 2017
    I sell a lot of stuff on Ebay! A lot of items I get are priced with a marker. I tried nail polish remover and it does affect certain plastics. It also stains cardboard. Never tried hairspray. I use WD40. Doesn't damage plastics and doesn't stain cardboard.
  • Lahoma Lahoma on Jan 08, 2017
    If it is Sharpie, a dry-erase marker usually does the trick.